UK officials detain Glenn Greenwald's partner at Heathrow, question him about Snowden interviews, steal all his gadgets & data

In most cases you are. I guarantee you, when you land at an international airport, you are on the sovereign soil of that nation and they can and will arrest you if they think they need to. The main exemption is that you are allowed to be on that slice of land even before you are officially granted permission to enter.


They don’t have to. Just copy a single file, demand the encryption code so they can unlock it, and then lock him up for 6 months for not providing something that doesn’t exist.

s a person under paragraph 2 may, for the purpose of determining whether he falls within section 40(1)(b)—

probable cause may be lacking but purpose is not. The 9 hour detention is solely for the purpose of determining probable cause in the case of terrorism, this is enshrined in Schedule 7.

But there won’t be any data on those devices. Just pure random noise. Thats the beauty of it because there is no difference between random data and well encrypted data.

But while we are on the subject I want to discuss this idea I had. Say we have a service which hosts streams of binary data. Call each stream a channel and give it a name or number. Person A encrypts a message for person B to decode with their private key. Person A puts the data into a channel which is read later by B. B also reads everything else in the channel, as do other readers. There is now no way to show that A and B are exchanging messages.

Or perhaps, more tantalizing still, nonsense data with clear patterns to it.

That might just be thing thing to save him from the scenario @theograce mentions - if it appears encrypted, he might be required to provide a passphrase. If it’s clearly not encrypted, but just in a format that investigators can’t quite pinpoint, well now what?

Remind me to change my passwords to “I’m a fucking Nazi and would have sent people to the oven because it was following orders.” next time I travel using an UK airport.

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Thank goodness nothing like this ever happens in the US!

I personally favour giving authorities a million people to arrest for possession of something which might or might not be encrypted data, but which might be the last two digits of every entry in the Rio phone book (assuming that such a thing still exists). Lets see how long those million people remain in custody.

I think they might take that as evidence that you’re a Nazi and lock you up for that. How about “UK border morons are fucking Nazis who would have sent people to the oven because it was following orders”?

[mod edit: removed ableist slur]

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Somewhat ironic that the ‘free’ country you espouse is the one responsible for leaning on it’s progenitor to harass Glen Greenwald’s partner in the first place.

And now, a public service announcement on behalf of the NSA.


Yes Hello, Welcome to the UK. We have more CCTV then people, hello? yes? you want your journalists’ partner back? Well what of it hey? Don’t go sticking your business into my nose, core blimey!
U.K Government

Home of the bid for the Winter Olympics, 2084.

.:Your Software is Out of Date! Click .here. to install MI5HomePCprotectionSoftware2012.exe Now!:.


That would be a direct insult and thus punishable. Also, I’m German – according to British humor and the Daily Mail it’s kinda obvious that I’m a Nazi.


Why is it necessary to carry bits by mule?

Why would they have to image it in 9.0 hours? They would just confiscate it like they did his current electronic devices in this instance.

Apparently they did bother making an image this time, they just took his stuff.

I just wrote to my MP.

I’m lucky enough to have good representation, so he’ll likely be on the case already.

If you’re unlucky enough to live in an area where you’ll get a canned response from an intern attempting to defend any decision the government makes, I’d recommend calling them repeatedly instead. Every 10 minutes should do it.


But who to vote for? All the parties are cool with this.

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Do something right now to create a world we can tolerate or shut up. We don’t have time for this philosophical crap. You can talk philosophy when your old.

I wonder if Miranda was a decoy. Greenwald and Wikileaks have been decently smart in the past. I’d be surprised if they had someone as obvious as Greenwald’s partner take a meeting with Poitras and courier real information. They must have Baker Street Irregulars available to carry things around for them.

What the hell is that naysaying balderdash meant to be in aid of?

I am doing something, fool. I’m alerting folks to the only way out of this mess I’ve seen so far that’s worth a damn. But it would seem that’s not good enough, somehow?

You might not have time for ‘philosophical crap’, but apparently that’s no great loss… maybe you’ll be more inclined to put your brain in gear when “your old”.

And how old do you take me for anyway, sunshine?