United passenger threatened with handcuffs to make room for "higher-priority" traveler

Is this some new forum of corporate suicide?

Don’t be silly. Corporations aren’t people!

As such, they’re entitled to as much government money as they require to get healthy again.


It’s possible, but I would guess that Air Marshals 1) would be ticketed and 2) wouldn’t fly first class, or at least would need to fly first class.

I get your point - this isn’t a case that raises to the level of outrage that the doctor’s case does. And it’s hard to have sympathy for someone who’s sole complaint seems to be that they had the silver spoon pulled from their mouth, and had to suffer what those without a great deal of wealth have to everyday. But the case is reflective of the greater symptom of airline abusiveness and their willingness to resort to threats of violence to exercise their unwarranted authority.


Like a boss


We actually are hearing it. There are now reports out about one of the Airport security who is a former cop with a less than acceptable service history. We are of course getting every incident of how United has mistreated its clients.

I do in fact see it as completely irrelevant to the legal matter this will become, but the news arch still digs this stuff up and reports it out about everyone and everything. This happens in all mainstream stories now…like it or not. I didn’t start it, I am not feeding into it as some sycophant who enjoys it or wants it. I am just stating the current state of events is that it happens.

My personal opinion on the facts of this are that I don’t want cross paths with any of them. I don’t want to be his patient. I don’t want to be their customer. I don’t want to go through that airport. They all make me want to emigrate to New Zealand and never come back.

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I’m just taking issue with you characterizing this particular strain of faux-journalism as covering “both sides.” Leaving aside the fact that they discussed the background of a completely different doctor, it’s not a side, it’s not even related and real journalists know that. That this might constitute a pattern of behavior on the part of the airline or the cops is relevant, though. Even if the doctor had a “pattern” of refusing to get off airlines, that wouldn’t be particularly relevant. But victim-blaming isn’t a “side,” it’s a strategy used to make aggressors look better by implication.


It’s not your imagination. They merged with Continental to deliberately decrease supply and decrease market competition so that they could be more brutal in the pursuit of profits. They signaled to wall street that they would use their increased market share to make cash in the horrible ways that monopolies do, and they are following through. @RickMycroft linked to a Wired article that lays this out nicely in one of the other United Sucks thread


Oh man, imagine if you could actually go morally bankrupt? Meaning you’d still take a hit to your reputation, and your misdeeds wouldn’t be forgotten, but your insolvent relationships would be “restructured” to help you rehabilitate?


So NY Post and USA Today are “faux journalism” now. Ok. good to know.

Well, they certainly have faux-journalists on staff. As evidenced by the fact that they were smearing the wrong fucking guy. (And letting United’s lies about the situation go uninvestigated, despite nice convenient video evidence to the contrary.)
From the desk of an actual journalist, responding to the hit-pieces:


Sure, but the significant part, how it relates to current events, is how United quickly defaults to threats of state sanctioned violence to resolve customer service issues to it’s satisfaction.


was the right David Dao, actually but like…it was 12 years ago. He’s done his time, a crime 12 years ago is not relevant to the situation at hand and you’re, in theory, supposed to get to be a full Citizen again after you’re done.

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None of that matters, and while technically we don’t support posting details (or links) here, the unnecessary doxxing is part of the story.

We spend a lot of time talking about equality and progress. To me, this entire episode has shown me how much further we as a society have to go to make that a reality.


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