USB battery and car jump starter for $33

Ah. Thanks. I didn’t know if that was just for the flashlight.

From YouTube videos I note that the rectangular box on the positive cable has some smarts in it that only keep the charger active for 30 seconds after connecting. Presumably no current flows after that.

From the Amazon page:



I always tell folks that I grew up with plug-in vehicles…

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I absolutely hate answers like this. They fill me with irrational rage.

It’s like, if you don’t have an answer, don’t fucking answer saying you don’t have an answer. Sigh.

I don’t know why people “answer whore” like this. It’s utterly baffling to me.

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Well, it’s largely because Amazon sends out the questions, unsolicited, to customers who have purchased the product. They often answer as best they can rather than leave the query blank.

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“Answers” at Amazon are a frequent topic of conversation in my household.

Well, it’s largely because Amazon sends out the questions, unsolicited, to customers who have purchased the product.

Then they shouldn’t do that.


Well, it’s also how they get the good answers. I’d say they should make “I don’t know” a more prominent option, or take some other measures to filter the results, rather than stopping asking questions.

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Good point maybe. In the 1970s my dad made a bunch of scuba diving torches out of motorbike electrical components. He pressure tested them to 1000 feet depth. They worked great. Then we were on holiday and I borrowed one of them to explore a cave. I was ten years old. It had been hooked up to our van to charge. I pointed the bright end at my face as a test, put it down and it went boom. The lantern was about 20 metres away. We never found the perspex disk from the back. I was covered in battery acid and very lucky I reckon.



(Edit: After watching a video where a car battery was deliberately jump started with the wrong polarity - with ensuing explosion - I started to think of just how the hell I would wash off battery acid if something went wrong jump starting a car. It’s not like I carry an emergency shower with me…)


Better invest in “portable torture” tech stock now if you want to make money during a Tr*mp administration.


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