Valerie Solanas Bot World (and other denizens)

The SCUM Communications Brigade SolanasBot03 is running on Heroku, and tweeting minifestos every 15 minutes.

For some reason, it has a fascination with Cherokees, States-General, and delenda.

I’m really at a loss, there…

For the morbidly curious, here’s the source. Needs work. PROOF OF CONCEPT!

The next morning. WHAT IS WITH SOLANSBOT03 AND CHERORKEES?!?!? And smalls.

I’ll have to dig into this over lunch.

The Cherokees and Small (and States-General) issue was resolved [it was a wordnik thing].

I’ve added a bunch of new templates.

And, joy! The first tweet after restarting:

Every man, deep down, knows he’s a knee-high neo-Nazi of self-awareness.

An interesting site for you - has links to a variety of Eliza versions in its Classics page (and a whole bunch more).

Chatterbot Central

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[quote=“PatRx2, post:23, topic:40588, full:true”]
An interesting site for you - has links to a variety of Eliza versions in its Classics page (and a whole bunch more).

Chatterbot Central[/quote]

Thank you! I was looking for this kind of thing recently, but missed this. I didn’t know about “chatterbot” nomenclature so I think I was looking for “natural language processors” or some such thing.

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This is relevant to my interdasts!

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This is interesting. I’d never have thought you’d set up a Twitter bot like this.

I’m vaguely thinking about whether I could code something in Perl and SQlite, though what I’d do it for, I’m not sure.

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Communicating with sock puppets, maybe? There’s a version of Eliza to try out here: Eliza (elizabot.js). It doesn’t come across as very smart if your conversational style is a bit offbeat (a problem which might be somewhat better handled in other versions), which doesn’t say a lot for Glorious GG Leader’s intelligence if he had a protracted conversation with the bot before he “wised up”.

Mind you, as I pointed out to a concern troll in another thread, it doesn’t take a lot of brains to set up a clusterf*ck like GG and keep it rolling. Quite the contrary - it takes a frightening stupidity.

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I can’t quite trace my steps, but I got from MegaHAL to here: Ai links - the ex-Chief Scientist was the chap who wrote MegaHAL.

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In my limited experience, it’s better to code something up first, and find a reason for it later. If you wait for inspiration to strike, you’re never prepared. I spent much of that past year wondering what I would do, and then finally jumped on the Solanasbot to fulfill the promise of a joke.

For those of you interested in generating text, but maybe not botting it,think about participating in NaNoGenMo2014 - National Novel GENERATING Month 2014. Spend the month writing code to write a 50,000-word “novel” (where “novel” := 50,000 words).

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Lest we forget: Sherman T. Botter

To Do: Create a Peter BossHoggian twitter bot.

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I almost understand this one.


See Also: Twitter is the Source of All Evil

This is nice to see


Gets better:


Bots 1 and 2 have been down for several months as the authentication method they used for Twitter has been deprecated. I can either rewrite them as smarter bots, or update them.

I have done neither.


Update the bots to produce gifs for the Misandry index.



I bot that for a dollar?