Video of desolate Tokyo streets

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Read an article this morning that despite the state of emergency that was called for the trains there were still totally packed.


All those salarymen who have to spend every day at home with their wives…

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All those housewives who now have to spend every day at home with their husbands… :roll_eyes: [ETA, correction]


Unlike a lot of cities, however, Tokyo isn’t under a lockdown, as the Japanese constitution doesn’t legally allow for such restrictive measures. Instead, businesses and the general population have been strongly requested to cooperate by cutting down on anything deemed non-essential. And with the often referred to obedience and group mentality of the Japanese public, this was supposedly a given. Trouble is it’s not. Mixed messages from the government haven’t helped. The same goes for a lack of clarity in regards financial support for small shops and the like. But on solitary walks and cycles in my west Tokyo suburb, I’ve noticed that most places are still open, people are out in groups, and social distancing is, on the whole, a sadly all too distant concept.

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