Originally published at: Vintage photo of a library shelf catastrophe | Boing Boing
always wanted to know how many takes that scene from The Mummy took
video link maybe
oop, got my answer (wow):
The library disaster was done in one take. It would have taken an entire day to re-shoot if a mistake had been made.
more info from the library itself
On September 8th, at 5:10 p.m., 18 double-faced magazine storage stacks collapse on the Main Library’s balcony. The stacks contain between 50,000 and 80,000 magazines and books. Over $12,200 worth of materials are damaged. No staff or patrons are injured in the unusual catastrophe. The Library closed at 6 p.m. and stayed closed the next day for the safety of the public. A photograph of the damage appears in Wilson Library Bulletin.
Library pages wage is $1 per hour.
Ooooooh, deary me.
It looks like there are two u-channel braces that ran across the top of the stacks. So however it happened, I think they probably all went over at the same time.
From what I hear, sexy things happen in the stacks… I’d like to believe that was the cause rather than malice.
i’d guess people kept standing on the bottom shelves, one maybe got pinched, and then eventually – when it buckled – the shelf pulled the whole frame down.
i know at grocery stores, shelves are normally hung independently, so the shelf itself doesn’t become part of the load bearing structure. when one breaks you get a mess, but not a catastrophe.
1971 is “vintage”?
More than half a century ago? Yeah, definitely
And yet, it is… more than half a century…
If you prefer to think of it another way, 1971 is as close to the end of WW1 as it is to next year
I would prefer not, thanks
Also the Apollo 11 moon landing was closer to WW1 than today.
Bads news for whoever ended up Deweying the cleanup.
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