Watch all these local TV newsreaders chant the same Amazon puff piece (Update: Amazon statement)

The quality of local TV news is hughly variable by region, I’d say. The small city I grew up in has two local news stations, and they are both quite good. They actually go out and report on things with their own reporters, and speak only about relevant local events. Sure, it’s just car accidents, burglaries, and the occasional murder (it’s a small city, as I said) but that’s what local news should be. They also still have a weather segment, which is adorable considering my phone has 4 weather apps on it that are based on the same data they’re using, but hey. The old people like watching the weather report.

Then I lived in Los Angeles for a while, and HOLY CRAP is the local news there bad. Like, comically terrible. It’s celebrity gossip, corporate press releases, reading twitter feeds of internet blowhards, and worse things that I’m forgetting. Considering the resources they have and how much real news happens in LA, this is inexcusable. Oh, and they still have useless traffic reports too, based on data 10x older than the three traffic apps on my phone.


I wonder if local news stations in smaller towns are less likely to be owned by large corporate conglomerates compared to the larger markets?


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