Watch: an incredible song about why recipe blog preambles are so long

Big “yet you participate in society” vibes.


Scrolling through long intros, avoiding trackers and crappy javascripts while playing “dude, where’s my content?” isn’t much of a different experience than scrolling through multiple, dozen+ item stacksocial ads to find a relatively few content posts on another site we frequent.


err no, we dont have adverts in the uk, on the BBC and never had since we basically invented it, you dont have to adverts, what you have to have is some to pay for it. Hence the TV licence over here and in other EU nations.

That was supposed to be the idea with cable in America. You have free TV, with adverts, or you can get cable, which you pay for but it doesn’t have ads.

Guess what happened.

Rich people got richer?

(I know I know, in the US of A, that’s now always the answer.)


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