Watch runners cheat in big Shenzhen half marathon

Some kind of course marshal shows up there at the end. I don’t run races other than jogging my own fat arse around the neighborhood, so I don’t know how prevalent or necessary course marshals are here in the US.

Ye olde cut em off at the pass/ambush trick/dodge.

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In 2002 I was in London after the London Marathon concluded, other than the incredible Lloyd Scott who was still traversing the course in a 120 lb diving suit to raise money for charity. I contemplated blowing a lot of $$ for this:

Hire a photog and people to hold tape in front of him + significant charity donation, dress up in 1970s running gear, and get a pic of me breaking the tape right in front of him.

Anyone who has ever seen me “run” would know this is the only way I’d ever win anything on foot.

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