Watch the unboxing of a sealed 18-year-old iBook

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God, it’s hideous!

Find a video of a G4 Cube unboxing as a chaser.


Would drive anyone to drink.


love it. but man, kids are so easily amused.


Is she always that annoying?

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Would drive anyone to drink.

Agreed. Good Lord.

That reminds me… In the early 90’s a friend who, at that time, had a job repairing Macs lent me a PowerBook with a monochrome LCD display and no internal floppy drive (so maybe a 100?) for the weekend. Which meant that, when I managed to render it unbootable by doing something to it with ResEdit, I couldn’t fix it myself. I thought my friend would be pissed when he got it back, but he calmly said that he wondered how long it would take for me to do that. Those were the days.


What would they do if you gave them a Mac Plus?


Ha, it was cracked out of the box! The plastics on those machines were so bad. I’d forgotten they came with so little RAM.

For the next “Nostalgic Millennial” trick, I suggest we give them an acoustically coupled 300bps modem, an Apple II and a terminal program and have then configure it and dial into a BBS.

No need for Boomers to reply with anything resembling the words “punch card” or “core memory”


I love my G4. It’s my most bulletproof Windows XP machine ever. I don’t ask a lot of it and by god it delivers.

Her enthusiasm certainly isn’t infectious, is it?


Aaah! ResEdit :smiley:

One day, I had a geek friend at my place, not a Mac user. You know: checkered shirt, beard, steel-framed glasses and grown-out bowl cut. The kind of guy you would spot on early Atari or Xerox Park photos. Anyway, I was desperately trying to print something from my Mac to my Stylewriter II but the printer didn’t respond, so he asked if I had some sort of resource editor and I showed him ResEdit. He said: can you open up the printer driver and then he searched for a certain line of digits and said “that’s it. let’s try those digits instead” and boom, the printer started doing its job.


Infectious - like herpes.

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??? G4’s can’t run Windows except in an emulator? Or is that what you meant?

Its the most secure windows machine ever.


I was all “naww, how adorable that the kids don’t remember stuff”, until the point where she said she was starting college when iBooks came out. Which would make her about 3 years younger than me.


Still have the Tangerine model, which I upgraded to the max (576MB of memory and smething like a 64GB HD or so). Put Linux on it (Mint for PPC, which is, I think, discontinued now). Maybe I’ll see if I can find another lightweight PPC distro to make that thing work again.

Upgrading the RAM and HD was the worst. The case is just like a Chinese puzzle and it’ll crack anytime you fail at dis- or reassembling it exactly the right way.

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It looked a Lot like the OLP.

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Paper tape. :slight_smile:

Fortunately, I missed out on that era, just barely. When I was a freshman, my high school still had a couple of keypunch machines. By the time I was a junior and taking computer classes, they had a shiny PDP-11/34 and a bunch of terminals hanging off it.


I read, “Watch the unboxing of a sealed 18-year-old.”

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