Watch these soothing tours of barely-open malls

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That was not soothing at all. It was smug and condescending. Go to any mall in America before it opens in the morning and it will look dead. It’s a pity the stores didn’t look hip and edgy to Bell. I wonder what kind of stores would get his approval? And what on earth was going on with those models at the beginning?


Wouldn’t being the “Ken Burns of suburban decay” mean that most of his footage would be panning around still photographs while depressing letters from doomed people are being read over fiddle music?


I can only assume there’s some real estate tax advantage in letting your mall go to seed. Because I’d think if you can’t fill your mall you’d lower your rent to make the mall more attractive to potential tenants. As long as you charged enough to recoup your HV/AC costs, isn’t any extra money a gain?


The interview with the Rehoboth Mall tailors qualifies as doomed people, I think.


Mall culture is still alive and well in Canada. Every once in a while some earnest and trendy developer tries to make a near-unwalkable “town center” styled shopping area, completely forgetting that November through March is fucking cold and we would all rather be indoors anyway.


I wish he didn’t take such a hipster attitude towards these places.

It was fascinating seeing what’d happened to my old hometown Forest Fair Mall in Cincinnati. The area he shows in front of the movie theater used to be an indoor amusement park, and the entire front of the theater was covered in strobing colored blocks. They had to remodel when multiple people had seizures.

I wish I’d had a chance to get inside Columbus’ dead Northland Mall, where I spent much of my teen years.


Near me, they have recently torn down a shopping mall, and they will be replacing it with… a shopping mall. But this time, they will build a high rise apartment complex on top, as well as a more robust food court, including an upscale grocery store. A mini arcology in the middle of Arlington, VA, with all of the promise of Crystal City without the defense contractors.


Near me a closed down shopping mall is being converted into a community college campus. They’ve been slowly remodeling and expanding, it’s a great use of the space.

Where my parents live in Houston the mall there is always busy and full though. I hate having to go there with a passion.

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If my salmon was that colour I don’t believe I’d eat it.


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