Plot twist: The kittens are all named Kennedy.
I think we can add “grownups dropping acid” to the list.
One way to look at this is metrics
Top all time, lots of non boing-boing category topics in there…
Top quarterly is mostly boing boing topics, with a smattering of user-created topics.
Well those Meteics show what readers have found most engaging. But the #3 entry is the departure of @Falcor which is hardly something readers have an ongoing interest in.
boing topics close in 5 days so I’d imagine that limits a lot of engagement.
The term “interesting” is naturally subjective, but I do think that a truly interesting topic will draw a large number of diverse opinions and feature friendly (perhaps low-stakes?) debate, some laughter, a few touching moments and, perhaps mostly importantly, novelty, as interest tends to become diluted and wane with repetition.
It is hard to apply metrics to something like that, but you know it when you see it.
Are you calling our threads pornography, Justice Stewart?
Only the most interesting ones, it seems.
Checks out.
Sounds like a great Steampunk series! Abraham Lincoln’s doctor’s dog solves gaslight-Cthulhu crimes with a combination of brass goggles that can see etheric waves, an elaborate truth ray gun, and an old love-hate relationship with a Zeppelin captain.
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