What David Cameron just proposed would endanger every Briton and destroy the IT industry

You know, if this put an end to the atrocious sbellink and grammer on teh intarwebs, then that might just make worth it worthwhile.

We are looking for the nuclear wessels.


It’s worse than that …

Charlie (Charlie Hunt) - (yes you guessed it again - remember it next time you call someone a right charlie)

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Or indeed, a berk. Although the pronunciation makes me dubious.

I seriously hope you were not serious in believing RFC3514, I even more seriously hope those that read it did not take it to be a serious solution.

The entire RFC was an April Fools Joke, and I am afraid too many will think that a veritable solution.

I know that the author of the RFC was hounded by people that thought he was serious.


I think he’s afraid because he just saw the first episode of Black Mirror.


If The Sun won’t say it then I will.

If Cameron wins in May will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights


Grand Coalition, I tells ya.

Pondering whether to register to vote this time around. Since I don’t live there or pay taxes, perhaps I shouldn’t, but then again I was registered in a marginal that’ll probably swing back to Labour next time around. I could help with that, I guess.

I love how politicians and pundits just assume that terrorists all use the latest digital technologies, as if terrorist attacks simply aren’t possible, without the use of e-mail, cell-phones, and twitter…and that more surveillance of non-terror suspects will yield useful intelligence on actual terrorists…


A poster split down the center. On the left, David Cameron walking through a door in his normal suit with the caption “The government wants back doors into your private communications.” On the right, David Cameron walking through the exact same door in the stereotypical “criminal” suit (either black and white stripes or an orange jumpsuit) with the caption “Criminals want that too.” Give him a creepy expression as well, something that makes him look really sinister.


It’s almost as if this isn’t about fighting the terrorists at all… but why else would a government want to spy on all its citizens?

Quite the conundrum.

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No, it is a euphemism for the drug which makes people come out with stuff like this.

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The question we need to ask ourselves is, in what public school educated Oxford and PR bubble is it even possible to imagine that the police force and the security services are 100% honest and reliable, that their IT systems are 100% uncrackable, and that they will never be misused?

If Cameron’s brilliant little plan is ever implemented, I wonder how long it will be before the UK has a Sony-style attack on its government computers, followed by the looting of every bank account, the identity theft of everybody whose identity is worth stealing, and the complete collapse of the British economy?

Edit - I have just emailed the Prime Minister’s office, under my real name and giving my qualifications, to emphasise the unreality and impracticability of this plan and its threat to UK business and security. I suggest others do the same, it does not take long.


So the government will block stenography as well? Good luck scanning every single document/image transmitting as well!


Isn’t he Secretary of State for Health?

All pigeons will have to be culled to remove the opportunity for Terrorists to use them to carry messages.


If they ban stenography and the court has nothing to record the decision on, does that mean it would be null and void?

I know, it’s the steganography /stenography auto-correct thing. I just love a neat typo.


Please do.

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Given the number of similarly placed expats that do, and donate to the Conservative Party, I really don’t think you should be too embarrassed.

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And all holes in trees, cracks in concrete etc. will have to be filled in so they can’t be used as dead letter drops for micro SD cards.