What does a car crash-proof human look like? Odd. Very odd

Could’ve been worse…

Rubber Johnny is post-crash Graham, I guess.

I’m always pleasantly surprised when I meet someone who knows Rubber Johnny.


I never thought about this before, and Google doesn’t know of anyone else who has either: Can Sue Storm adjust the friction of her force fields? I know she can make “cushions” but can she make a perfectly frictionless surface?

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Wings would be awesome, but probably some kind of fire proof body that can bounce.

This is what jumps out at me- the design seems to focus around the external. What I was told once (IIRC drivers ed so who knows, maybe scare mongering) was that we shouldn’t assume that even excellent external protection will take care of us, because there’s no way to sugarcoat your internal organs going from 70mph to 0 in a split second (or even more if it’s a head on and have to add the other car’s force).

So, you think a better idea would be having solid-state interiors instead of fleshy ones?

That actually sounds like it’d work a lot better

Although the airbags are to make it so that they aren’t going from 70 mph to 0 in a split second: their entire purpose is to spread the event over more time.


I ate at a restaurant like that once in Beijing, it was very impressive. Just saying.

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Damg, I remember these pics from the Before Times. What are they from again?

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That’s the badger! Thanks for reminding me of it.

Found out that Dougal Dixon practically disowned that book.

thought: right, let’s have the current world collapsing through overpopulation, famine and so on, and the idea that mankind needs to escape destruction. What does mankind do? Invents time travel and moves 50 million years into the future and sets up civilization then. Then what we’ll have is that all the man-made catastrophes, all the ecological disasters… they happen all over again. So I’ve got this world already created in After Man, and I’m now going to destroy it… this was going to be Man After Man. But, the name Man After Man was taken for that other disaster of a project.

Have you tried the last and first men


He also comes equipped with a dozen nipples

I believe the proper description is “Bristling with nipples.”


I dunno… isn’t that really more of a cross between a Sontaran and a Zygon:


Did you actually click on the article and take the trip into the valley of not really looking human like?

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Man. Whatever it is, the vikings just have to go and have a more metal version of it, don’t they?


I am - the fact that road traffic deaths have been declining steadily despite increasing road traffic supports the conclusion that people don’t titrate their driving to match an exact level of risk, but rather their tendency to drive more dangerously only partially negates the safety enhancements. Not to mention that if people did drive to an exact risk level that they’d have the same risk of death but take way longer to get anywhere under this scheme.

In all fairness, they’re air vents, rather than nipples, so that the sacs can operate like airbags.

Also something I don’t think has been mentioned about this design yet - the skull is designed to fracture to absorb the force of impact. This seems bad; sure it’ll help protect the brain, but it’ll also mean that such a person would have a single use face, since a fragile, easily shattered face would be difficult to impossible to reconstruct. Removing the nose to get rid of vulnerable protrusions and then making the whole face more easily damaged seems a bit odd. You always have the option of using gas bladders to support the face, or something else that could be vented the same way as the “air bags” on the chest so that they could be reinflated post crash.

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