What is the lethal dose of various substances?

Exclusively eating a couple pounds of anything usually leads to death. We’re evolved to be omnivores with varied diets after all. But yeah, caffeine is particularly toxic, and if you can get your hands on anhydrous caffeine it’s really easy to ingest insanely lethal amounts.

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The intraperitoneal LD50 is only 9.5mg/kg, so maybe injecting it would be more effective.

As pure capsaicin has a scoville rating of 16 million, a million-scoville chilli should contain about 6% capsaicin/dihydrocapsaicin.

This means that an 80kg (180lb) person would need to eat more than 64g (or inject more than 13g) of dried million-scoville chillies to exceed the LD50.

I wasn’t planning on doing the math as it seemed like a silly scenario. Since you apparently found it an interesting exercise, did you happen to see any information on metabolism and half life in the human system?

I think your asshole would be on fire for at least 24 hours.


This study suggests that the liver metabolises capsaicin very quickly (half life less than 20 minutes), but skin metabolises it very slowly (75% still remaining a day later).

I guess that means that your arsehole would be on fire for at least 24 hours.

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I think we’re talking about 2 very different definitions of “lethal” at this point.

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