Originally published at: What it's like to stay in a tiny apartment in Tokyo's space-age Nakagin Capsule Tower | Boing Boing
Pictures to go with the captions would make it a better article. Is there some magic combination of OS/Browser needed to view them?
Whatever combination that is, my setup isn’t running it.
The linked page and others on SoraNews24 fail to display all images on Chrome, Brave, and Palemoon v27.6
It does seem to work on IE 11.0. Go figure.
I had to pause ghostery and ublock (on Chrome browser) to get the pictures to load).
It reminds me of Korbin’s apartment from The Fifth Element.
Ah, that explains it. I try to avoid IE whenever possible, so I’ve never really set it up for “proper” use.
Hmm, I use neither of those but I do have very long list of blocked domains at the edge of my network. Maybe they’re all hosted there…nice work, everyone.
Been a long time since I lifted the hood on View Source but this looks like the images are base64 encoded datastreams with a jpg (thumbnail?) as well, rather than, you know, files. I’m probably wrong tho…my html monkeywork days are long in the past.
<img class="lazy aligncenter size-medium wp-image-541640" src="" decoding="async" data-sco-src="https://soranews24.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2021/05/Japan-travel-accommodation-Tokyo-hotels-apartments-Nakagin-Capsule-Tower-architect-Kisho-Kurokawa-short-stays-monthly-rental-airbnb-rooms-review-photos-17.jpg?w=640" alt="" width="640" height="427" data-sco-srcset="https://soranews24.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2021/05/Japan-travel-accommodation-Tokyo-hotels-apartments-Nakagin-Capsule-Tower-architect-Kisho-Kurokawa-short-stays-monthly-rental-airbnb-rooms-review-photos-17.jpg 640w, https://soranews24.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2021/05/Japan-travel-accommodation-Tokyo-hotels-apartments-Nakagin-Capsule-Tower-architect-Kisho-Kurokawa-short-stays-monthly-rental-airbnb-rooms-review-photos-17.jpg?resize=150,100 150w" data-sco-sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px"/>
Bless you, kind stranger.
When I changed over to the Japanese version of the website, the photos came through, for some reason I was too lazy to investigate.
No hot water, no stove, and the refrigerator doesn’t work. At least you can (presumably) microwave, but cripes. That’s pretty rustic for a retro-futuristic dwelling.
Shame about the hot water. I’d still love to stay there during the warmer half of the year.
images loaded fine for me with chrome/privacy badger
I suppose that, given the building’s uncertain future, the landlord doesn’t spend more than absolutely necessary on repairs.
No washing machines? Somebody should arrange a laundry service.
YouTube recommended a video of a Japanese love hotel with a build in water slide. I will have to see if it recommends it to me again and if the actual content is worth linking to those thread.
In the algorithm’s let’s recommend something a few more steps removed from normal: today the Japanese love motel with the water slide seems to be out. Instead we have:
Is this the video that you were looking for?
Oddly enough, it was suggested to me several days ago. It is fairly SFW visually, although they do use the words “Love Hotel” and do mention what normally occurs in a love hotel in couched terms. (She does go down the slide while wearing a bikini.)
It’s actually close enough to the travel/review/food videos that I watch a lot of that it didn’t seem out of place to me…
saved my evening! thank you
Fitting exactly and satisfyingly.
The cardboard box that slides neatly into an exact space in a garage,
or the last book which exactly fills a bookshelf, is said to fit ‘real nice
and kentuckey’.
– Adams/Lloyd - The Meaning of Liff