What Mobile Diablo is going to be like

I grew up playing Diablo and Diablo II, and I’ve played through Diablo 3 once. I simply don’t understand why the fan sentiment is outrage as opposed to good old fashioned disappointment.

There are real problems to be outraged about. Anybody directing their fury at Blizzard instead of the truly horrible monsters on this planet (you know who I’m talking about) should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Those selfish fucks deserve their new shitty mobile Diablo.

Honestly, anybody who expected different from Blizzard hasn’t been paying attention; the quality of their output has been steadily declining since they released WoW. Seriously, they just keep re-making the same games with very, very little innovation.


And now it’s being sold, according to their website, for nine bucks.
It’s weird because I remember the older games still being sold for full price many years after release. I thought that, even with the change in the games market, they’d be relatively immune to the pricing race to the bottom, given the fan base. Apparently not.
Reportedly they ditched plans for a second DLC for the game, in favor of just working on a sequel. Except they dropped the initial plans for D4 and started over, seemingly because it was too big a divergence from the existing formula.

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I don’t even care about Diablo, never played it, but I do enjoy Activision Blizzard reaping what they sow (before reaping the fortune tht this mobile version will probably make them).

The forced attempt to intermingle the Diablo backlash with “toxic masculinity” is just laughable.

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