What Nelson Mandela's life tells us about the legitimacy of "democratic nations"

A couple of states in the US (and several countries) allow prisoners to vote, but I think they all only allow them to vote where they lived before they went to prison.

Did widows get a vote for their household, then? Or single mothers? If not, it’s not a vote per household, but a vote per adult male.

Democracy is a scale, not an absolute. In ancient Athens, citizens could vote, but women and slaves could not. In even the most democratic nations today, kids below a certain age cannot vote. In nations like Germany (arguably one of the better democracies), everybody can vote, but if your party doesn’t get at least five percent of the vote, your vote doesn’t count. In the US, with its “winner takes all” voting system, this is of course far worse.

Recently, a right-wing politician in Denmark suggested that unemployed people shouldn’t be able to vote, which would mean that the unemployed couldn’t vote for politicians promising them jobs.

At present, I like to think of a democratic government as one which acquires a certain amount of information about the governed from voting behaviors. Since it is the job of government to properly manage (or at least not screw up) the macroeconomy, a government which does not enfranchise the unemployed, is blinding itself to a rather important aspect of society.

Yeah, the majority has always been the problem… Not tyrants, elites etc…


The “racial stuff” is definitely annoying when talking about the death of a radical who fought against a racist, white supremacist state. Hey Cory, could you just post videos of The Lion King or something?

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I would guess that you feel that it ESPECIALLY includes things like human rights…

Jeeze - get a grip already. It was a general comment, not pointed at Nelson Mandela at all. I found him to be a constant inspiration and still do.

Cory’s not the only only guy writing for BB - he’s just the one with the racially-oriented articles lately. The comment meant precisely what it said, but got lost in this particular article’s context, as would have happened with any of the series.

Seeing how most tyrants are / have been supported by the majority, or at least set up elections to show this, your statement is true.

Remember, ‘Democracy’ could be called rule by the propagandists / media companies.

Why is democracy always touted as a wonderful form of government? It’s actually mob rule, and the tyranny of the majority. The major function of government should be protection of individual rights, so a (real) republic is far superior to a democracy. It’s also obvious that the author has no idea what the Tea Party stands for, since he parrots the radical left’s racist propaganda.

Haha. Yep. When I think of Boing Boing and Cory, I think of “Racially-oriented articles”… oooohhhh boooy… You are the one who needs to get a grip and check yourself

No it could not, actually. Most leaders are chosen by an elite, an elite that’s frightened of the majority having their say. You confuse “majority” with “elite”.

Tea Party obviously stands for fascism instead of Democracy. Well illustrated by your extremist comment. Take your pick: tin pot dictator, elite business, WHITE,christian, right, retirees. They want ANYTHING other than the American public deciding things, because they are NOT representative of the American public, which is why you and them are so frightened. You see your influence fading by degrees. You know that you’re done for. Thank god.

At least old terrorist died. May the ground he lies will never be cowered with flower. This is a simple example when democracy was given to a wild nation. When discriminations became genocide. As for me traveling to UAR to say the last “good bye” to Mandela is something like saying the last good bye to Bin Laden or Yasser Arafat.

Sure, but the method the elites use to bring their chosen picks into power is hammering into the head of the populace how great the ‘leader’ is through propaganda channels.

No tyrant can rule without at least some popular support.

I don’t think they’re burying him in the UAR.

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