Whatcha Reading? (Picking it up again)

Local Barnes and Nobel is closing up shop. Picked up these two for, uh, reasons.


Oh No Mood GIF by Saturday Night Live

Does that mean a wave of closures from B&N in the new year?

In this case they are just moving to a new location. I should have been clearer.

Moar berks:


Relief Im So Relieved GIF

I prefer indie book shops, but out where we are, the B&N is our only choice… our favorite local small book shops are intown.

Nice finds!


The better bookstore is Andersons books. They’re independent, have a huge variety, and frequently have authors come in for signings and discussions. We go there mostly, but the B&N 50%-off savings were hard to pass up


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Here are some books that none of us will get to read…

I was trying to read this comic book, but It won’t be possible for a while.

Oh, It is a scifi story about a monster killing teenagers, who are the only ones who can see the creature. HBO Max has adapted It for TV last year.


Reminds me of an article in The Onion 10 years ago.

(Context: in the 1998 Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan romantic comedy You’ve Got Mail, Fox Books was the fictional stand-in for large corporate bookstore chains like Barnes & Noble and Borders which were putting small local bookstores out of business at the time. 15 years later Amazon was doing to those chains what they had done to smaller competitors.)


Perhaps you lot can help me… I’m trying to remember the name of a book I read a few years ago… it’s something along the lines of the history of the future (but I can’t seem to find it using that title, other books come up)… the topic was how the concept of the future was discussed during the late 19th and 20th century, and how that’s become a bit of an outdated concept now that we’re passing lots of points that were considered “the future”? It had a focus on literature and somewhat on mass culture…

Any guesses as to what the name of the book might be?

Maybe this one?


Closer title:


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No, I’m pretty sure it was by a single author and not edited volumes… though they both look like they should go on my to read list!

seth meyers lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

As if my to read list isn’t already long enough!



Featuring critical essays, erotica, and stitched-up memories, Gender/Fucking explores sexual arousal as a site of knowledge about the self and world. Taking the idea of intellectual masturbation a bit too literally, Florence Ashley draws on their experiences as a transfeminine activist, academic, and slut to interrogate what it means to live in a gendered body in our difficult yet occasionally loving world. With personal essays about the fetishization of trans bodies, recovering from surgery, and losing hope, Florence’s collection celebrates the queer messiness of sex and identity.Through the embrace of its raw and lyrical prose, Gender/Fucking invites the reader into the intimate world of academic smut to ask what it means to be horny on main in a sex-negative world–and what power it might hold.



So I think I found the book I was thinking about… though I need to go look it over and see if it is…

So, not specifically about a history of the future, but more about a history of the concept of time travel… Of course, that would touch on the concept of “the future”…


Is it this one?

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I don’t believe so, but onto my list it goes… Thanks! It looks very interesting.

I do think it’s the one I just posted.


Oh! Sorry. I didn’t even see that you’d posted that. I was too far down the rabbit hole :grinning:


Its All Good Fbi GIF by CBS

I do want a copy of that now! A win-win all around!


This seems like a really interesting topic. I may have to dive into these books myself :nerd_face:

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