White Culture


I didn’t understand why it was in this thread, and then I realized I should read the comments.

I really wish I hadn’t read the comments.


I just realized that the white guy even has a halo! (well, sort of)


I think that’s Dan Lipinski



Holy shit, what an asshole.

I mean, what is he or one his advisers really thinking about this? Just simple, racist “blame it all on some dark people” racisty racism is all I can come up with.


A little dusting and you’ll find Miller’s fingerprints all over this.


Aww hell…


Sinophobia is a helluva drug.


And on another note:


This is a concise and eloquent description of the demands for “unity” and their effect on discourse.

Prioritizing “unity” and denouncing “divisiveness” puts the needs and wants of the most privileged front and center. There’s a reason why white people often fall into this pattern.

calls for “unity” are used to shut up the most vulnerable when they point out how they are being left behind.

denouncing divisiveness is caring more about peace than justice.

we will never all be on the same side. i don’t fight for unity. i fight for justice.

i say this as a Black woman who’s been an antirape activist for 13 years. Victims and advocates are constantly told to shut up under the guise of “unity”

the problem is that the word is defined on their terms and their terms only.

they just want to stop feeling uncomfortable.

If people really wanted unity, they’d be putting the most oppressed front and center. They wouldn’t silence protesters. They’d stop and pause when people on their side say something is off.

But, no. I only see it used to fight for the status quo, not challenge it.


Thinking about unity, I was watching a white video game steamer the other day who seems to me like an alright person an they were defending being unkind. It was a familiar defense that I don’t have a lot of patience for, that the world is full of people who are not going to be kind to you and you need to fight back. (I’m sure that sounds right to many, maybe it was the tone rather than the words, but I’ll explain)

So they gave an example: because of quarantine they aren’t getting mail directly. Their mail was going to have medicine for their cat and contacts for their partner. So they phoned their building office and said they don’t know what the procedure is but their cat needs to eat and their partner needs to see so they need to get their boxes. No response for a day. So the next day they phoned and really let their anger fly, saying it needs to get done “today” and it got done.

They said you might not like that, but that’s what you have to do sometimes and that their learning in life has been figuring out when that’s okay.

This was all in response to someone saying we should all be trying to make the world a more loving place.

I’m a nobody in that community and I don’t think this is what twitch chat is for so I accepted their wisdom and said nothing. But what I wanted to say is that letting people know you are angry is not being an asshole. Being angry that your pet could go hungry and your partner could go without seeing isn’t making the world a less loving place, it’s acting out of love to take care of a cat and a person. Setting boundaries is a completely appropriate thing to do with anger.

The person you got angry at probably didn’t like it, but they are going to be okay and I really think there’s a good chance they totally understood you being angry at the circumstances you found yourself in.

So I see this as connecting to this idea of “unity”, to people thinking it’s worse to call someone racist than to be racist, to other things we’ve discussed in this thread. Like always I’m not sure how white this is vs being Anglo or colonial or even just urban Ontarian.

It all makes me think of doublethink and doublespeak. Like how do we confuse letting another person know we are angry with being an asshole? How do we confuse someone else telling us they are angry with being hated?

A white friend said to me one day that as a kid they were punished for having feelings. I said, “I think we all were.” This really connects to white fragility to me.



White culture = Denying that your baldfaced racism has anything to do with race

Republican congressional candidate touts AR-15s to fight ‘looting hordes from Atlanta’

In a phone interview Tuesday, Broun defended the reference to “looting hordes from Atlanta” as “not racial”.



On top of the obvious racism, what makes him think that the ATL needs shit from Gainsville, GA? If things really get bad, it’s going to be the rural parts of the state that are running out of goods, not us.

Also… ugh…

“It’s about black people having the means of protecting themselves just as much as white people or Hispanic people or Asian people,” he said.
“You’re the racist,” he added.
In the call, Broun referred to coronavirus as the “Chinese virus”.


An old family friend who lives in Beverly Hills – grew up there when it was still somewhat rural, been in the same house for over 70 years – called the other day to see how we were. She mentioned that she’s hired someone to board up her front window. It took me a moment to understand what she was saying. She is convinced that ‘thugs’ will come rioting down residential streets in Beverly Hills, because of course ‘those people’ go where they’ll get the biggest haul.

We’re seeing the unvarnished side of people’s character now.


I’m not American, and even I can tell that’s totally racial and racist.



No one commented on your (as always) thoughtful comment, so I wanted to say I appreciate the food for thought.

Yes, I think middle class white people especially are punished for having feelings. White “superiority” arose relationally, and part of that was declaring those emotionally open people over there inferior because they “can’t control themselves.” Voila, excessive emotional control and really, repression, became an unacknowledgedly white problem.


I have never heard this before. Is this worldwide or just in the US? Are african americans and hispanos more willing to show emotion?