White Culture

It was new to me.

Thank you for sharing the link!


A lot of white culture consists of its (mostly denied) relations to, and imaginings of, indigeniety.


And I, of course, read that going “that just sounds so weird!” I will repeat a comment I made way upthread, if this stuff bugs the hell out of me, how the hell are our POC brethren not quite literally insane? The amount of strength it must take just to walk out into the racial shitstorm that currently is (and has been) our country and culture leaves me breathless. Any white person has a moral duty to actively resist the pull of privilege and seek to end the systematic racism that has benefited us for way too long.


Right said!

Oh that more than about .025% of white people would ever come around to thinking (and acting) that way.


Putting this here, because this kind of policing is very much a white-people thing. Expecting the wretches to be grateful for what we deigned to give them? Totally a white people thing.


Reminds me of people (all white actually) that I’ve known who will give to homeless people, but only in the form of food. “They’d only waste money on drugs or alcohol.” :angry:


What do they think we were going to spend it on?


the two essential vitamins of life. whisky and weed.


So now, poor parents have to tell their kids the hard lesson that those lovely presents have to be returned so that the family can buy food, clothing, etc., only to find out that some holier-than-thou type has made it impossible for them. Bah humbug!


Then don’t donate crap like toys that no one really needs. Give money.


eh, for a certain definition of “toy” and a certain age of kid, this can indeed be a need, in terms of comfort and development.


A why not both if ever there was one.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Michael Harriot is a national treasure.


Let’s see, who should we put in the robe that’s fashioned after a hoodie?

(Nice job, Amazon.)


Thread that helps explain why certain white ladies think being called racist is worse than being racist. Surprise! It’s a toxic mix of Xtian religiosity, sexism, and, yes, racism.

Doesn’t mean that such behaviour should be tolerated or sympathized with. Just if you were wondering how someone could make that cognitive leap, wonder no more.


He is indeed:



So if Ross Michaels had used a whiter model would that suit you?

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Depends on what the hoodie looks like from the side.


It looks like they got two male models to model their nightwear and robes both hooded or not.



Toys are important, though. The company I work at supports a children’s home, and sure, we support them with money and material stuff like over-the-counter meds, toilet paper, etc. But every year we receive a Christmas wishlist from each kid (it’s a kind of Secret Santa) and the overwhelming majority of them ask for toys, gadgets, make-up. Thing is, these kids literally have nothing they can call their own, and they rarely ever “get” anything, let alone something that they’re actually excited about. So when they ask for toys or mp3 players or mascara and whatnot, it’s not something frivolous, it’s something that’s extremely important to them, both for their mental health and for just, y’know, their dignity as individuals and human beings.

I think the larger problem is that way too many people (white or not, I can’t tell - over here it’s white simply because the country is overwhelmingly white) have no idea how to do donations, and too many “charities” are only doing it for tax reductions/etc. and not out of a genuine wish to help, so they don’t set up rules about what they take in. People either want to give “those poor families” everything they think they should have, without thinking about their living conditions and priorities, or they treat donations as a way of decluttering that they can feel good about. I think charities, those who do real help, should put a bit more effort into educating people on how to donate, what is appropriate and when, etc.

I’ve seen people being all upset about how charities turned down their donations of grandma’s used fur winter coat even though it’s so warm and it would be great for winter, or a skateboard or whatnot - without understanding that the families have no closet to put the damn coat in the first place, or that where they live there are no roads suitable for skateboarding, and so on. And as for unscrupulous “charities”, a govt. party rep runs a “charity” that hands out livestock to poor families, the idea is supposed to be that they can raise the animals and eat them at one point, or use them for eggs/etc. Except… the families can barely feed themselves, let alone a piglet, they have no yards or pens where they could keep the animals. So thanks for nothing. (Of course the real thing here is that those livestock? are imported(!) with huge expenses, by a company that just happens to have financial ties to the Dear Leader’s business circle.)