White noise could be damaging your brain: study

A coworker loaned me a pair of ANC headphones. They are impressive but they don’t block speech so well. A little Googling suggests this is a common shortcoming.

I think I’ll stick to my brown noise and just turn it down a little.


There is a similiar theory about pure sine waves.


WhEEls! Anechoic higHway design! You have failed me! [High imperiousness that doesn’t kill people much ensues. Maybe a super-rough far-spill lane and some botany, plus energy harvesting fibers in the road and taps for charging y’ e-vehicles offered alongside.]

That said, lots of seeming cures for tinnitus around the antioxidants (new fungal antibiotic from flattish edible shrooms just dropped) and that magnetic brain stimulation thing (that you need fMRI to zero in on first.)


Wishing you a series of ANC headphones at low costs, each one entailing a more elating set of controls on what should pass through and what not than the previous. (Large, friendly button about dealing with the oncoming train somehow, etc.)


My ears seem to actively push those out, whatever the make or model.
(This is also the reason wireless erabuds aren’t an option.)

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(everybody may please forgive me, but I have to answer this in native, its much easier for me to be as clear as possible for fgd, thnx)

entweder haste nen sehr spezifischen gehörgang, oder…speziell die 3Ms müssen zur ner wirklich dünnen wurst gerollt werden, um dann vollständig reingeschoben werden zu können (was von der länge problemlos ist, die teile sind viel zu kurz um auch nur entfernt bis zum trommelfell zu kommen), beim reinschieben darfs keinen widerstand geben, falls doch, aktion wiederholen. dann mitm finger aktiv drinhalten, bisse sich ausgedehnt haben. und was wirklich wichtig ist, die classic II (abgebildet) haben ne glänzende und ne matte seite; glänzende seite muss nach aussen zeigen (bessere abdichtung und keine tendenz, sich wieder rauszuquetschen), dann haben die teile auch die versprochene dämpfung von -28db. hat schon seinen grund, warum die dinger auch als schnelle ersatz-ohrstöpsel im rennsport verwendet werden.

Nah, already tried all of this, and more, short of using epoxy…
I can feel my ears pushing them out.


sorry to be persistent; you actually tried those specifically, the yellow foam barrel-shaped ones (not the silicone conically shaped ones)? there also the only plugs which work for me.


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Heh, the trazeus cuff ones that just aim a sound port at your openings don’t stay unobtrusive for hours either. Good chance to try the Nothing line of ear things.

Really, even the monitor etymotic ones? What about like over the ear buds or Apple Beats Kim…er…for that’s what they …nemmind. Please just make back pocket inducers and slay at market. (Are they bone induction audio? Hear us out…)

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