Why do many San Francisco homes have working toilets in the middle of their garages?

Sorry, bud; that one’s taken. We can offer you “Blue Sky On Mars”.


You mean one of these?
(I used one of these parked in the elevator lobby of a under-construction high rise. You can see the look of concentration of the user above the door, and their boots below the door. In addition there was a urinal was behind the unit for double duty. There is also a lifting bar for when this unit is to be deployed onto the rooftop.)

From what I’ve been told by a resident many Baltimore row houses have a “Balmer Bog” in the basement. Sits on the cleanout T in the floor. Just easy to put it there. There’s already a tap in the sewer line, run a cold water line over, & bingo, extra hopper.

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When my folks first bought their 1950’s ex-council home, there was the remains of a toilet cubical in what was the kitchen/dining area. The think it might have been installed for easy access by a disabled person.
In the last house I rented (1870’s) there was a toilet in the basement, which was presumably for the servants, but it was out of use.

I’m betting that today, when owners go to sell the house, they can claim it as a “half bath” and ask for more money.

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I’m half-ways to having a urinal at the back of my garage. When I installed an outside sink & water on the outside back wall, I added a pipe into the garage for eventual urinal.

IF I ever complete that project, I intend to use a large funnel for the input end. Or one of these:

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