Why I'm leaving London


Cory used to live in SF. The places he used to live? Well, those houses are a couple of millions dollars now. SF is jut like NYC and London, a haven for the truly rich and no one else.

waddya do?

Iā€™m from a mid-sized city in the Midwest, but I much prefer to live in big cities on either coast. Sure, the cost of living is higher, but the mass transit, food, and culture just are that much better. If your idea of an ideal life is a big house with a yard, it isnā€™t for you, granted, but having the world just outside your door where you can walk a few blocks and encounter an interesting shop, restaurant, or bar you havenā€™t been in before really does it for me. (BTW, is the city Waterloo? I did a post-doc there about 15 years ago)


Thatā€™s Minneapolis stuff, Milwaukee is Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley. :wink:


For long term sustainable and enjoyable living, I recommend any city in a riparian zone above the fall line that has less than 50K permanent residents and a federal land-grant university.

So, pretty much the exact opposite of LAā€¦ :wink:

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No thanks, did that for 5 years while attending such a university. Too much like a small town (everyone up in everyone elseā€™s business) and lacked the amenities of a city merely twice as populated.

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To each his own! I would prefer my nearest neighbor to be at least 100 miles away, but my family wants access to theatres, ballet, shopping, sports, &etcā€¦ which is why we live where we do, itā€™s a compromise. As much as I have enjoyed occasionally visiting big cities (sorry I didnā€™t get to visit, @anon67050589!) I might wither and die if I had to live in one.


Water? The San Adreas faultline? Fire? Umā€¦California is a mine field of disastrous proportions.


Yeah, you should stay away from here. I mean, nothing good comes out of California everā€¦

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Itā€™s okay. Moving to LA is the first step to moving to PDX. Weā€™ll save a spot for you (although that is becoming increasingly difficult).

Welcome to the Pacific Standard Tribe, Cory.

Exactly. For all but a few of us, people come to LA to get rich, get famous, get disillusioned, get married, get spiritual, get connected, get divorced, get crazy, and otherwise reinvent themselves.

Then most of them go off somewhere else.

Often, to Portland. Or Austin.

Only a few of us are lifers. (-:

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Does Trent really count as a university?

just kidding, Trent alums

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Thatā€™s true. God knows Iā€™m gonna get the flyinā€™ fuck outta L.A. the first chance I get.

But Iā€™ll probably never actually leave Southern California. I intend to die in San Diego. Assuming it still stands in 2112, or whenever that happens to be.

I like visiting SD. Been a couple of times. I could live there.

Worked short-term in Victorville and Palmdale, donā€™t really want to live in either.

Yeah, those sandworms are murder. :wink:


Was just in LA. Couldnā€™t believe how much sexiness there was. All the young women look like they are trying to emulate the models they saw on TV. High school girls wearing short shorts. Everything seems to be sold with sex; even menus in restaurans have sexy food names. Not the place I would raise a family.

About 100.

Source: Leeds is about 100 from either coast.

Source: Live in Leeds