I’m in a lucky patch at the moment because I work with a group of folks who skew heavily to board game enthusiasts. Once a month at the end of the day we have beer and “book club”, which is mostly a discussion about the R&D trends in the industry, then straight to games night, although it doesn’t really suit long-form play. That being said, a few rounds of Inhuman Conditions turns out to be great way to get to know everyone for new employees.
And as an added bonus we get to check if they’re replicants before their probation period ends.
Does playing board games online at boardgamearena.com count? Otherwise, yeah, it’s been months since I’ve played in person and I have a whole lot of games that I’ve never played.
I THOUGHT THIS WAS JUST ME. I loved owning and reading RPG rulebooks, but playing them never measured up: it somehow could never match the vistas the texts opened up in my head. I figured I just wasn’t doing it right.
I feel like a weight I didn’t even know was there has been lifted. Thank you.
Although I had access to AD&D gear when I was young, I didn’t have enough friends nearby who were either able to play because their moms weren’t subscribed to the “Satanic Panic”, or like the two neighbor boys, horrible cheats and the most downright self-entitled kids I’d ever had the pleasure of gaming with.
That said, I have always been a visual person and I love seeing art and product from other folks who do create in the RPG video game arena. I am currently playing Dungeons & Dragons Online, and have been for 13 years, off and on. Although it’s such a linear concept, it’s the visual stimulation that kept me coming back with every new release. I am the flower-sniffer who plays solo just because I love to explore and marvel at much of the artistic skill of the world builders. I know the platform is getting old, but I hope they can either give it a solid reboot in time, or at least preserve it somehow for the diehards who have been playing for years.
I think I might try it with some of the Gloomhaven tokens, although then I’d need an even bigger box. Then I just need to find someone who I can play it with again.
We have a bunch of board games but don’t know many folk in our new lands, so all the really good “3+ players” board games are out of reach.
I also ravenously collect rule books for gaming and rarely get to play. I really want to play the Serenity RPG but have never found a critical mass of Browncoats all in one place yet
I still have fun reading the material, enjoying the art, and discussing game theory with my partner, though!