Why the hyper-rich turn into crybabies when "one percent" is invoked

Bill has actually given away around half and plans to give away practically all. When you have that much it is actually quite difficult giving it away and achieving the intended effect. The Koch brothers on the other hand give with strings attached.

There have been plenty of strings attached to Bill’s charity. So much so that it far outweighs the good he done for society with charity, but that’s fairly off-topic and I’ll just refer you here instead:

Announced: $3k Mac Pro, retina iPad Mini, iPad Air, and OS X free-of-charge - #45 by Cowicide?

Most people don’t want to hear it, but that just goes to show the value of public relations indoctrination and having corporate mass media being one’s pal.

The Koch brothers on the other hand give with strings attached.

Even if and when the Koch brothers give to charity without strings attached, it doesn’t outweigh the strife they’ve brought to society by a long shot.

Megalomaniacs want it ALL. They want to plunder society and be thanked loved for it. Public relations charity bits certainly do the trick.