Announced: $3k Mac Pro, retina iPad Mini, iPad Air, and OS X free-of-charge

righteous indignation

I haven’t discussed anything with you in this thread, so why be so crass towards me coming right out of the gate? How about you check yourself and be more polite? If you want respect, please show respect in the first place.

you might want to save all the righteous indignation for tech companies that are really evil, like Oracle.

You should have read my post literally 2 posts above you here:

Announced: $3k Mac Pro, retina iPad Mini, iPad Air, and OS X free-of-charge - #40 by Cowicide?

Start reading right after “Speaking of Oracle…”

Their worst enemy is by far… themselves. Relevant:

Your graphic you showed is incredibly over-simplistic, inaccurate and ridiculous. If you don’t think some of those guns are pointing outwards from Microsoft, etc. then you’re grossly misinformed.

Bill Gates started a foundation to solve malaria with all his monopoly money. … Microsoft’s just a lumbering, mostly well meaning giant

To say that it’s “all” of his monopoly money is false to say the least. And, it would also appear that you are also throwing net gains and losses to society right out the window. You know, externalities?

Wow, so you’re yet another person who fawns over Bill Gates despite the fact he plundered far more from society than he’ll ever give to charity?

His corrupt, monopolistic, unethical business practices with Microsoft hurt and/or destroyed countless small businesses and consumers. Small businesses and individuals that would have given far more to charity than King Gates will ever give. In case you didn’t know, small businesses and individuals give vastly more money to charity than large corporations and Bill Gates do combined.

Luckily for Bill Gates, there are plenty of suckers who can’t critically think their way out of wet paper bags and they end up celebrating this megalomaniacal idiot and forget all the damage he’s done because they only focus on his current charity.

So, of course, new megalomaniacs will follow in his footsteps and take far more than they give to society and be celebrated as “heros” in the future… and the sick megalomanic/twit cycle continues.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Wikipedia?

Still don’t get it? Even more…

(Here’s your homework: Calculate an estimate of all the harm to all these businesses above and get back with me) (It goes way back, buddy) (It keeps going) (download the PDF there)

Observe the countless examples here: (download the PDF there) (download the PDF there)

Pay up, folks (That “liberal” rag… FORBES mag)

History of Anticompetitive behavior and consumer harm: (a very enlightening read if you STILL don’t get it)

Microsoft entered into anticompetitive and exclusionary agreements with OLSs and ISPs

I guess if I beat the hell out of someone’s grandmother, steal her purse, then graciously give her back a couple of bucks, you’ll deem me a hero?

So, perhaps even after reading all that above, you still think Billy Boy is a Robin Hood who stole from the first world to give to the third world, perhaps? If you read through those links I posted above you would have seen this:

The effects of anti-competitive business practices on developing countries and their development prospects:


The Gates Foundation investments include companies that worsen poverty in developing countries, pollute heavily and supports pharmaceutical companies that don’t sell into the developing world.

Also, he’s doing it wrong…

By pouring most contributions into the fight against such high-profile killers, Gates is diverting staff from basic care. This form of “brain drain”, pulls away trained staff from children and those suffering from other common killers.

The focus on a few diseases has shortchanged basic needs such as nutrition and transportation. Gates-funded vaccination programs have instructed caregivers to ignore – even discourage patients from discussing – ailments that the vaccinations cannot prevent.

The Gates Foundation harms global health by diverting resources from other important local health care services. The foundation diverts medical professionals from other parts of developing nations’ health care systems; the health care systems’ ability to provide care diminishes (except in the area the foundation funds) and the charities do more harm than good. (This has been backed up by several prominent investigations, look it up yourself)

The Gates Foundation is also undermining public education and exerts too much influence over public education policy without being accountable to voters or tax payers. The reforms include closing neighborhood schools in favor of privately run charter schools, forcing standardized tests which have been proven to harm education (just ask teachers, educational professionals, etc.).

What should you learn from this?

It’s better to have decentralized sources of charity coming from many sources instead of one collective source. Unfortunately, Gates helped to hinder and in many cases completely detroy entities that would have not only given vastly more to charity, but would have also done it in a far more diversified and effective manner.

It’s ironic as hell.

Bill Gate’s monopoly helped usher in an era of rampant malware for decades because of the lack of platform diversity. Educate yourself here at this link. This cost average consumers and businesses worldwide in the trillions (many of whom were able to give less to charity because of this, by the way). Many businesses and consumers were rail-roaded into using his subpar products and services via his unethical, anti-competitive, monopolistic business practices (see the many, many links I’ve already posted if you still doubt this, OK???)

The sick irony: He’s now using those same ill-gotten profits (that hurts the world in the past, present and future with a lack of diversification ) and is giving it to the developing world in an ironically non-diversified manner and hurting them as well (with his know-it-all, megalomaniacal arrogance).

As Bill Gates was with Microsoft, he’s too arrogant to look at the big picture. Then again, if Gates looks at the big picture, he’d see what a piece of crap he is – so can’t have that…

Keep kissing the masters feet. But, some of us who are critical thinkers and don’t wallow in ignorance know the emperor’s got no clothes on.

Sure, I’m glad he’s at least paying a tragically small pittance to all the worldwide damage he’s caused, but please forgive me for not celebrating the megalomaniacal idiot either.