Why the web is a mess

No. Reading stuff. Seeing stuff. Listening to a whole lot of stuff. I’ve never paid Mr. Boing a dime to read this wonderful content, for example.

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+1 I use 1Blocker and it works very well. I am annoyed that after paying for it originally that it’s been reduced in functionality by the new subscription model (which I don’t pay for and it still seems to work fine). I’m a little surprised there isn’t a better content blocking ecosystem for iOS - it’s feels like kind of a wasteland of shitty paid forks of free ad blocking engines - or worse yet, full browsers rather than extensions to Safari.

I also highly recommend putting a Pi-Hole on your network which helps a lot with in-app advertising, especially with blocking those interminable fucking Vungle video ads.


I bought some earbuds once.


You may not have paid in cash, but you have certainly […checks spreadsheet of standing offers and verifies your browser fingerprint…] paid in many other ways that you probably aren’t even aware of.


Run a content blocker, or use an adblocking browser, e.g. Brave (iOS 12+, free)or iCab Mobile (iOS 11+, paid).

I used to use 1blocker, but a couple of months ago I exchanged it for wipr, because it feels faster than 1blocker, and it doesn’t have a subscription, it’s only $1.99. Some people on reddit said it misses the occasional add, but I never experienced that. There is also a desktop app for people who want to use Safari on MacOs.

If your iPad is too old for content blockers, maybe install a Pi Hole in your home network, I can still browse the web with an old iPad 2 (the one from 2011) through my mine, it runs on a Raspberry Pi Zero.

If your tablet is an iPad: see above. Otherwise: try Brave for Android

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Wow, wipr is great. Thanks for the recommendation. BB loads very fast now and no more playing “chase the bouncing links”.


Poor THC spidey…

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I still come here (I use ad-blocker), but I can’t recommend the site to anyone, because of things like ads for malware and advertorials that recommended CBD for seniors to prevent Covid.


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