Why were people thinner in the 1970s?

In the USA we have “olive bars” in supermarkets, it’s like a salad bar only there will be as many as 30 different types of olives laid out. You fill a tray and pay by the pound.

I’ve spent embarrassing amounts of money at olive bars.

Oh, sorry! As I recall, there was a mcguffin object, usually a football of either sort, and everyone who didn’t have the ball fought to get it. So you’d run like a maniac shrieking hysterical laughter as twenty other kids chased you down, tackled you, and wrestled the ball away (with elbows and fists flying but no biting or kicking) then whoever managed to get the ball would dash off in turn, until everyone was too bruised and exhausted to continue.

A rough but very fun game, and in practice not as rough as touch football by any means.

Back to the main topic, I have had to recently increase my caloric intake massively, because I keep unintentionally losing weight. But I don’t eat anything that tastes sweet except raw whole fruits and occasionally a little honey or organic chocolate, and I eat very little ground grain.

My daughter turned 18 last year and started controlling her own diet, and inflated like a balloon instantly. Just as you say, it was a switch from relatively unprocessed, traditionally prepared foods to fashionable modern commercial foods with huge ingredient lists studded with unpronounceable chemical names.