Why were people thinner in the 1970s?

Remember when there was only one ‘fat kid’ per grade in school?

I once accidentally bought some kids’ underwear when I was well into my thirties. They fit, so I wore them anyway.

You’re not kidding about sugar being added to everything.

I recently completed my first round of Whole 30. I didn’t think it eould be too hard to avoid added sugar, since I cook mostly from scratch, but I was wrong. I found myself out of homemade chicken broth and in need of some. Took half an hour of reading labels to find a carton without added sugar, and it cost twice as much as broth with sugar added. WTF?


…and boy, was she pissed!




Go-gurt tastes like formaldehyde. Except, apparently, to kids. Maybe they don’t have fully developed taste buds or something?


I’ve read studies about how kids’ tastebuds are far more sensitive to things like spicy foods and bitter tastes than adult tastebuds. I imagine that it depends on the flavor and the associations you develop as an adult more than what it actually objectively tastes like.


Your tastebuds start to die off as you age. I was a borderline ‘Supertaster’ until the clock struck about 40-ish. Gradually, things that I couldn’t stand before (olives) tasted ‘okay’ but still not delicious. I started drinking coffee, but it’s still more for medicinal purposes than for its taste.

The most numerous and last to die are your ‘sweettooth’ tastebuds.

Conscientious cooks for geriatric patients are advised to make the entrees extra-colorful to create appeal to people who can no longer taste the way they used to.


I still HATE brussel sprouts.

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I’ve heard that, too. They’re also dulled by a lifetime of smoking, getting your tongue burnt on hot food, or whatever other trauma your tongue goes through during a lifetime.

I think what’s really true is that people taste things in very different ways for a lot of different reasons. “Go-Gurt tastes like formaldehyde, what’s wrong with kids,” is kind of like saying “cilantro tastes like soap, how can anyone eat Mexican food?” or “coffee and brussels sprouts are horribly bitter, how can anybody eat them”?




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