Wild foraging

I used to forage more. Not as much now.
I love sumac, wild blueberries (New England, natch), Elderberry, cat tails, nuts, day lilies… Lots good to eat out there.
Never had the nerve to go after fungus, though.


Another thing you could have tried is to evaporate the alcohol to leave some gummy resin with your cannabis extracts in it.

I should have, but I needed to clean house and out it went. Thank goodness I am no longer interested in such things.

I have wondered about these! But I have read cautions from people that one needs to be particular about where to grow wood-eating mushrooms because they can literally take over your house if the spores like it. Yet, some people grow oysters and shittakes indoors. Perhaps I will try them in the spring.

I look at the pretty camas and don’t touch them. Kinda like white mushrooms in a fir forest–it could be a matsutake, but it isn’t.

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Needed to decarboxylate that shit. Paging @RatMan

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Actually you are right. @RatMan? @shaddack? Who knows specifically what I did wrong and can deconstruct my mistake, chemically? What happens to THC when it’s soaked in Everclear?


Here I was thinking that THC was only fat soluble… but I am definitely not a chemist.

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I had bad luck with one of those “logs inoculated with shiitake spores” kits; even in ideal dank-basement conditions it gave me nothing and just got moldy. But I gave a friend one that uses a log which you inoculate with plugs soaked in spores, and I’ll be curious to see if it’s any better.

If you don’t decarboxylate cannabis, the THC remains bound up as THC-a, which is not psychoactive. Last time this came up:

And here are instructions on how to decarboxylate cannabis.

[Edit: popo’s suggestion is also a good one: in that situation, once you’ve screwed it up, you can salvage the situation by evaporating the liquid, then smoke up the gummy residue as a sort of pseudo-hash.]


Also soluble in alcohol, but definitely not in water.


Aha! I have been educated. I had no idea. The pseudo-hash sounds positively repulsive and nasty.


Dank basements often have lots of other ambient spores in them. Was the kit kept light, or dark? I have found that leaving basements lit mitigates the mold. I would maybe start a kit upstairs in a cleaner, cool, slightly shady area: and then try it in the basement only after the mycelium and fruits have had a chance to grow a bit.


Yes. Try putting it in a cupboard that people don’t go into a lot, either in the laundry room or the one above the fridge. Or under a bathroom sink. Clean the cupboard out first and disinfect.

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Good thoughts, thanks. The basement it was in is pretty dim and may have been too cold. Next time I try one it’ll be in a better area of the house.

Or build a rudimentary glovebox. Leveraging those sealed-lid food transport/storage boxes you can even have an airlock - place two back-to-back over the wall of the large box (and seal with silicone), and cut out the three layers.

…todo: 3d-printed glove flanges.


I have no need for this and yet I want one regardless.


Probably. I tried it once and it was very harsh. But I don’t like hash, so I don’t have a lot of other experiences with it to compare. It’s going to have a lot of chlorophyll, terpenes, and non-THC sludge in it. But if the alternative is wasting an ounce of cannabis…


That’s exactly why I built this one. :smiley:


Call me a coward, but the only mushrooms I can reliably ID aren’t any good to eat. It’s crazy how common Amanita Muscaria is up here, and I’ve been tempted a few times to try it. With supervision of course.

I also keep seeing what looks like puffballs (Lycoperdon Perlatum), but then I remember back to at least two reports I’ve seen of families being near fatally poisoned by Amanita Smithiana, and a few more reports where A. Smithiana finished the job before anyone could get help. And they look practically the same.

I do, however love pink huckleberries, and thimble berries, and we have lots of those up here in Western Washington.

I’d be a shroomer, if so many people didn’t die making mistakes IDing them.