Woman missing for 51 years found in Texas

You cannot separate the concepts here because in this case the second occurred only as a result of the first. Context matters. I’m bewildered by your continued attempts to equate raising a child that was abducted to raising one that was legally adopted.


If I stole a car but subsequently took it to the mechanic for regular maintenance and oil changes I’d still be a car thief, not a car owner.

Even this woman didn’t refer to her abductor as her “adoptive parent,” she called them “the person who raised me.”


As somebody who was adopted and who has had to deal with these questions for my entire life, I find your characterization offensive. Adoption is not something that is entered into lightly by either the biological parents or the adoptive parents. I still have the court documents. It was a whole process.

What this woman did was irreversible and made an indelible impression on the entirety of the victim’s life, and it was done impulsively and without any forethought or consideration as to the welfare of the child.

That is so, so not adoption.


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