Yet another study points to pesticides as cause of bee death disorder

and just so you understand my bias. i became a beekeeper this spring, partly inspired by mark f’s beekeeping post last year. we’re going all treatment-free, natural comb. so far so good, but we haven’t been through a winter yet.

i hope there’s a study out there that helps ban these systemic pesticides. but this one isn’t it. it’s a “mission accomplished” distraction. or worse.

First link is a facile abstract… full article is behind a paywall, so unable to comment.

Second article is pure gold. Knew it would be as soon as I saw it was authored by Pettis and Ellis. Unlike Lu, these gents are the real deal.

It’s a strong article… and surprisingly so, given that it’s from 2010, when CCD actually seemed relevant… before it evolved into Cash Cow Disorder.

I suggest you read that article carefully, and determine what it is they’re actually saying. It’s a dense article, but there’s about 250 golden takeaways in there.

You will find it enlightening.


Edit: Time just dried up, so a final comment for now. An informed reading of CCD/bee decline sensationalism reveals a great deal of conflation, weasel words, and
pure misrepresentation. A meta-industry has developed around bee-decline sensationalism, and charlatans such as Lu are simply delivering their deceptive products to a an eager market that is ill equipped to evaluate critically.

Read the Pettis/Ellis article you posted about 10 times, and chew on every word carefully. Then go back and re-read some bee-decline sensationalist media… The mother Jones Article, or Lu’s “study” would suffice.

You would see them with new eyes.

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