Originally published at: Young woman transforms from 'nice girl' to punk to test tolerance in 1983 BBC clip | Boing Boing
It would be wonderful to know what Gina is up to now.
Gina’s model perfect features - smooth skin, small ears, cheekbones etc. aren’t hidden when her head is shaved. These days her ‘punk’ appearance wouldn’t raise an eyebrow.
One of my favorite skits.
and her male friend, too.
that guy Steve Strange rings a bell, but i haven’t gone to the trouble to google him (yet).
The late, great Steve Strange - lead singer of Visage. Fade To Grey was the biggest hit, absolute vanguard of the New Romantic movement.
ETA: I just watched the whole clip, fantastic stuff - I was 15 when it aired, two tone trousers and braces was more my style though my big bro was a big punk fan.
Loving the alt culture civil servants. Some years ago (2010 I think?), I worked on a project for a UK broadcast company, with a great project manager. Very tech savvy, knew the business. She mentioned that she also sang in a band - a little research led to this:
So yeah, looks really aren’t a measure of how good you might be at a particular job… great voice too!
omg, YES. thank you! now i know why i remembered his name. Fade to Grey is a great track!
what she said was true even much later, as I experienced firsthand. walking around Knoxville with purple hair in 1993, all the normal people avoided me, wouldn’t even make eye contact. it was awesome.
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