Your foundation in C will prepare you to take on other popular coding languages

Good heavens, I’m a developer but I’ve come this far without writing any code at all (unless batch files count). I’ve been working with Remedy for most of the past 19 years and it’s all done through a GUI. There is an API (formerly C, then switched to Java), but someone else wrote the code the 1 or 2 times that we needed it.

More than once I’ve been asked how many lines of code our application uses. I have to explain that there is no code (or that it’s all under the hood). If they persist, then I tell them “27.”

Remedy has taken me this far, but I fear the day I have to look for another job and it’s the only language (per se) that I know. I did take Pascal, C, and C++ back in the mid-90s, but I’ve never used any of it at work. Not directly, anyway – I’m sure it got me thinking in a certain way. The one course that I’ve had any direct use for later on was Unix.

I used to work with a Java and C# programmer who told me he thought Remedy was way harder to learn and use. I told him this couldn’t be possible as almost everything I do is via a GUI, while he actually has to sit there and type the code out (I gather there’s some sort of GUI, but still…). I think maybe he was just trying to make me feel better, i.e. “sure, you’re a developer just like us!”