Originally published at: YouTuber tries to beat Skyrim without actually being in Skyrim | Boing Boing
I’m trying to beat Skyrim without even owning the game.
Then you don’t need my guide on how to be a stealthy thief/archer with enough magical skill to make an enchanted bow that can one-shot-kill a dragon…
Before starting the main quest…
Now THAT sounds like my kind of challenge, lol. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey would be another good arena for that.
I have to say I’m enjoying this video game coverage beat that BB has added. Thank you Grant and the BB team!
My favorite challenge run is Many A True Nerd’s run in Fallout: New Vegas called “The Worst Courier”
That is funnier than it has any right to be
I’m glad, i do fear my sense of humour is becoming too wierd sometimes
That was quite a narrative.
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