275,000 dominoes, falling


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They could have made a more poignant “Enjoy Your Life” display if they had used 150,000 dominoes, symbolizing the number of people who will die that day.

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Such an amazing feat of ingenuity, patience, meticulousness, dedication, etc and they fudge it up by not filming it properly ( atrocious lighting - it dims the effect ) Nevertheless very soothing/entertaining to watch!

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“150,000 dominoes, symbolizing the number of people who will die that day.” ?

Die where? in which place? infant/female/male mortality rate/total? in what year? is it compounded? standardized? fails to be poignant if the data quoted ( to which so far, only you seem to be privy of ) is not in support of the claim ( following logically, as your argument implies )

Not bashing/trolling, just seems ( to me at least ) an absurd/non-existent point to be nitpicking.

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Is 275,000 the count that actually fell, or the total standing to begin with?

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World deaths, all inclusive. Derived from a world population of 6.974 billion and an overall death rate of 7.99 / 1000 per year. 7.99 per thousand is a death rate of .00799 per person per year. Multiply by 6,974,000,000 population, you get 55,722,260 worldwide deaths per year. Divide by 365.25 days/year and you get 152,559 deaths per day, worldwide, on average.

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Go outside and get some exercise…

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The video is kinda fun, but it’s not a very impressive record - it’s only the record for “number of dominos in a spiral”. The actual world record for “total number of dominos fallen” is almost four and a half million, from 2009; see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PFtd2pEu2U. Or maybe it has even improved since - I don’t know.

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I was a bit disappointed that some of the falls they set up failed to trigger.

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