Auto-brewery syndrome: A medical mixed blessing if I ever heard of one

To amplify my earlier Bah-humbuggery:

  1. The “International Journal of Clinical Medicine” is a SCIRP journal, this being a publishing house where the editorial overview consists of cashing the authors’ cheques; known for previously accepting ‘papers’ generated by random-number software. In this case, editorial overview certainly did not include “proof-reading” – the first typo is in the list of keywords.

  2. The first author – the one pimping out the story with press releases to Fox News, Huffington Post and similar reputable media – is an aromatherapeutic quack. The second author is lying low and saying nothing.

  3. According to a quick education from the University of Google, the possibility of “auto-fermentation syndrome” as an excuse for drunk driving was most recently laughed out of the house in a 2000 review.

MKB was pwned.