Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Sign up here!

Sign me up and let me go!!


Excellent! Keep an eye out for a PM containing the (super-simple) registration form. Once you’ve sent it in, your stats will be rolled, we’ll send 'em to you, and you can introduce your bad self and pick your mission in the Round One thread!

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If there is still room I am in. New to this though so have a little mercy on me.


Fear not! Plenty of room, and even though I’m running this particular game, it’s only my second door game! If you’ve read the earlier threads, you see it’s more about the players’ imagination rather than any particular skill.

Keep an eye out for a PM containing the Registration form! Fill it out (it’s short, all of five questions), send it in, we’ll roll your stats and send them to you, then you can introduce yourself to everyone in the Round One thread and pick your mission! And feel free to ask any questions you want if any confusion arises.

Glad to have you!


Ohh, this sounds fun. Middle of the night here,though, and work tomorrow so no time for carbuilding or missions until about 1800 CET. Would that be ok?


Yeah, that’ll be fine. When’s that? How many hours from now?

Skipping the first mission (which is just essentially traveling to the start anyway) won’t lose you anything but 15 license plates anyway. I’ll send you a PM with a link to the Registration Form (which has a whopping five questions on it, and takes all of 15 seconds to fill out), so post your character name, vehicle Class, and Year, Make, and Model of that miserable excuse of a car you’re driving (along with whatever backstory you’ve concocted) in the Mission One thread (or, if the Mission Two thread has already been posted, put it there) whenever you get around to it, and away we go!


Donald, I’d love to register a vehicle, can you send me the info?


Who, you? Are you freaking kidding me?!

You’re so totally in! Registration form on the way! (I assume you’ve read the threads so far… lots of great input there so far if you haven’t.)


I would like a registration form, sounds fun.


Coming your way. And yeah, so far it’s more fun than a barrel of radioactive sea-monkeys!


Heyah there doll-faces (single- or multi-headed),

My ma used to call me Honey, but you’d better save that name for yourself. Call me whatever you like but honey is too sweet a word, it sure as hell doesn’t apply to anything in this day. Maybe before, but not now. Honestly I can’t remember the world before. Maybe it’s because I was young not so long ago, maybe it’s because the virus knocked it out. I can’t remember much more than vague shadows of my moms an’ me laying under a car in her shop.
This shitstorm of a world is all I know. I’m a bit of a wanderer, but then again, who isn’t right? Best keep to yourself, half-humans drop dead faster than you can say ‘what the hell are you doing, you idiot’. I keep to myself, but it can’t hurt to see a friendly face every now and again. Shakes up these dreary green days a bit. I wonder what it was like before. I’ve heard storys of before, of people having homes and places and people. It sounds nice. It sounds alien.
On that note, I heard you guys had a plan of some sort? Count me in. I’m up to ruffle some mutant feathers.

I’ll be up there in no-time.

User : Kyntha
Character : ‘Honey’ Mallone
Class : Whatever you need babe.
Vehicle : 1970’s Ford Mustang Twister
Favorrite possessions : What’s it too you anyway? I’ll keep my shit my shit and you keep yours.


From the original run of 1970 Mach 1 Twisters? Lovely bit of kit! Mallone, eh? Emerald Isle! Bit familiar myself. Look forward to seeing you about!


Glad you could make it! Especially if your Twister is the 1970 edition; that’d make us siblings under the skin since once you rip off the body panels and headlight doors, Cougars and Mustangs of that vintage are practically identical.

Keep an eye out for the PM containing the link to the Registration Form!

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Oh, I think I have a fun concept, love to join the action!


@Donald_Petersen, could you send him the form?

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Coming right up! Glad you could squeak in. If @JonasEggeater can whip up your stats real quick you can still pick a mission for Round One. Keep an eye out for a PM with a link to the registration form!

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Haven’t gotten an official registration form from @William_Holz or @kyntha yet, but I just rolled stats for a player that said that their BBS username was “MasterSlacks,” which doesn’t seem to be a user on here.

Whoever you are, your stats have been rolled, and you’re on the stats sheet. Just send me a PM with your game password, and I’ll correct the spreadsheet so that your username matches properly.

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Oops! I forgot what alias I had here my bad! That’s my ironic nickname. :smile:


Dang right it is. I’m sure I won’t be able to miss ya out there Major.

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Is there any other kind? Don’t even answer that, it’s a rhetorical question.
Registration has been filled and sent, you should be getting it in no time. Can’t wait to get started, your cougar and my mustang can turn some radioactive zombies to mush. Maybe we can round up some twin-attacks.