Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Round 1 - Monospace

Jacques stumbles out of the captain’s quarters and onto the bridge, flopping down down in his seat, exhausted but triumphant. That most certainly was the last he would be seeing of the Duck’s Pond soup. An espresso in a small double-layer glass cup materializes in the small machine next to the captain’s chair. It is time to get down to business. After a few sips he puts the glass in a small depression in the arm rest and then spins the chair slightly. Reaching back behind he pulls up an awkward shaped box, with “Unizone Echo” etched in small letters near the bottom. This he balances on the other armrest.

“Unizone Partner Parts…on sale!”

Jacques ponders the holographic list projected in front of him. Certainly you can never have too many shields. He updates his cart with a few swipes of his fingers.

“Unizone Partner Program MissionZone”

Fortune has not been kind to Jacques of late, he thinks, forgetting that fortune has never been kind to Jacques. It’s time to take some easy work for certain pay. Better to ease oneself into a new position: all the better to get a handle on the environment, the competition, the market. Slow and steady wins the race!

Jacques presses a button in the armrest and grabs his espresso with the same fluid motion. The Entropy’s command console swivels up from the floor to meet his other hand: the fingers dance across it entering coordinates and instructions. The Entropy’s computer processes, slowly.

[The Queen of Blasters]

Jacques eyes widen. “Unizone Partner Parts…ah…reset cart! Ah…review armaments!” The Entropy’s engines begin to hum. “Yes, yes, fine! I mean submit! Submit order!” “Confirm! Confirm dammit!” Jacques downs the rest of his coffee, leaps up from the captain’s chair and races to the elevator. Hopefully the parts will materialize in the hold before The Entropy jumps. And then, how much time will he have to install them before…well we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Purchase b20 for Unizone Blasters.
Engage Mission 3 - About Face, on credit.

“Captain” Jacques Malchance
The Entropy