Bernie Sanders is brilliant on inequality

I did get a response back from one of the local TV news stations I contacted about their lack of coverage I mentioned here. Here’s the exchange in its entirety so far:

RE: I mentioned your organization about your performance

To: Christy Moreno (Channel 9 News Director)

Thank you very much for responding,

The issue is that your organization didn’t cover his arrival until about 3.5 hours before he was to arrive.

The links you provided also reflect this reality:

• Your first link went to press after his arrival.

• Your second link went to press a mere 3.5 hours before his arrival where your organization predicted “hundreds” would arrive. We had thousands arrive via word-of-mouth no thanks to the media.

• Your third link went to press after his arrival.

• Your fourth link had no mention of his arrival.

If I ran my business like this, I’d be put out of business. However, fortunately for your media business, the bar is set very low as no other local TV channels covered his arrival at all until after he left.

I will at least thank you for covering his arrival on the same day about 3 hours before he was to arrive. That was better than nothing, I suppose. I also thank you for responding to my email so quickly as the other TV stations haven’t replied at all yet (but isn’t surprising).



P.S. This isn’t how a democracy is supposed to work within our struggling republic. The media is supposed to act as a fourth estate. I’m just incredibly disappointed. It will be very interesting to compare your coverage of the arrival of Hillary Clinton, etc.

I guess Bernie Sanders is right that money talks when it comes to getting proper news media attention. You may think I’m crazy for expecting better, but I do and I really wish you did too.

On 2015-06-22 18:39, Moreno, Christy wrote:

Thanks for writing.

We previewed the event multiple times and covered it day of.
We also invited Senator Sanders to be a guest on Balance of Power but
never heard back from his campaign.

Christy Moreno
News Director

-----Original Message-----
From: cowicide
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 6:26 PM
To: NewsTipsInBox
Cc: KUSA, Viewer Concern
Subject: I mentioned your organization about your performance

I mentioned your organization here at this link:


I’d love for you to explain why you didn’t properly inform your
viewership that a presidential candidate was coming to town. About
3.5 hours advance notice is ridiculous.

It will be interesting to see how the other candidates will be treated.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Try to at least act like a real news organization that serves the public.

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