Can you please stop with Cards Against Humanity

I don’t see Hugo controversy as big as GamerGate; plus it will attract more Channers and Offenders that way.

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I’m not really defending anything, and I know we have not always seen eye to eye (except for stone brewing and a few other things).

Sometimes silly jokes are silly. Sometimes you know your audience. Sometimes the audience doesn’t know everyone else and you can suss out who is a sexist/racist jerk.

I am doing this from memory, so forgive me, but the card that always wins is, “being a mutha fuckin wizard”. That is the royal flush or high card of the set.

  • What is “feminist propaganda”?
  • Can men be feminists?
  • How should BoingBoing cover stories that involve women, or that might be of interest to women?

Who gets to decide which jokes are “just silly jokes” and which aren’t? When it is okay for marginalized people to speak up? Why is it okay to force them to speak up? Do you think it’s super fun to speak up when someone says something shitty and then they try to cover it behind “ha ha, just trying to be funny!”

The whole “get a sense of humor” thing is a big trope. It’s dismissive. And it completely forgets who often has control of what is “acceptable” to joke about and what isn’t. Marginalized people are marginalized. That means their voices aren’t heard and they are less likely to speak out for fear of really nasty repercussion.

I actually think as a concept, Cards Against Humanity is pretty fun. I’ve played it a few times myself. That said, some of the cards can be very questionable, and a few were out-right offensive. They’ve taken some cards out, which I really appreciate it.

But I will state that a marginalized person being expected to “suss out” individuals by being subjected to hateful stuff isn’t a goal of mine. The whole point is to eradicate that bullshit from our society, and I’m not sure regulating it to “silly games” Is a good idea.

Like, for reals. As a queer woman, I don’t want to be subjected to sexism or homophobia for any reason. I WANT people to be afraid of being socially shunned for voicing that bullshit. That’s the fucking goal.

And I include that in “silly games”.

Apples to Apples is fun, too, you know.

I really don’t understand people who seem to advocate people to repeat racist, sexist or homophobic stuff all in the name of “joking”. That seems pretty fucked up imo.


UltraConservative terminology for Mainstream Feminism.

According to the Misandry-Mermaid, no; only women advocates.

Keep doing what they’re doing and list the problems of current social issues that dehumanize each individuals based off of their culture, sexuality, sex, gender, etc.


Just pay attention to the topics that get the most comments around here… there is a pattern. And there is a reason for that. Go back to the Black Widow/Joss Whedon/Twitter discussion, and the sexist baby clothing one. Lots of similar comments in all of them.

And it’s all white dudes bemoaning the fact that they can’t say offensive shit women and minorities.

And it doesn’t just happen here. And BoingBoing is probably BETTER than most places! But it still happens here.

TBH, it’s predicable and frustrating as hell.


Ah, excellent questions. And constructive.

The four people playing the game.

It is dismissive and doesn’t belong in any reasonable discussion.

Yep, some times people make mistakes, and then they do their best to correct them.

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The game does not exist in a vacuum, and neither do its players.

Hey the recent “Kill the Faggots” game only involves the person playing! It’s totally okay then, right? Freeze Peach!!!

Yep, some times people make mistakes, and then they do their best to correct them.

You just restated what I said. I’m aware. Because that’s what I said.


They most likely sheltered and desensitized that they lack any sympathy to anyone outside their own tribes.

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Heh, honestly I see it more as a Rorschach test than anything else. No, it doesn’t exist in a vacuum, but unlike Kill Faggots it doesn’t reward you for being evil.

CAH rewards you for figuring out which of your friends are senseless jackwagons.


Well, to be fair, it is also used to dehumanize oneself.

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It doesn’t reward you for being evil

Getting laughter as a response isn’t a reward? And some people like to say awful shit to get a response, which can be a reward in itself. What do you even think the point of the game is?? It’s to get a response!

CAH rewards you for figuring out which of your friends are senseless jackwagons.

This was already stated, and I already responded to it. Do you know how fucking awful it is to have to deal with really nasty shit in the name of “ha ha, i was joking!”. As a woman, I deal with that a LOT with men. I don’t think you get how often marginalized people just have to DEAL with the jackwagons and how often no one says anything in response. And it really shouldn’t be up to me to constantly have to speak up when someone says something really terrible about my gender or sexual orientation or about race or anything else.

Like, for reals. That is exhausting. I’m just trying to have fun, enjoy some time with some friends. Maybe someone brought along someone I don’t know very well, a man. And then he says something really awful and sexist but it’s supposed to be a “joke”.

Do you know how small that can make you feel? My choice is to either just laugh along, or risk saying something, and that can be a really big risk, when all I want to do is have a good time on a Saturday night with some friends. The fact that you’re willing to put that sort of pressure on marginalized people is NOT okay.

We get enough shit in our lives. We do not need to be the butt of a joke as a means to “find the asshole”.

Well, to be fair, it is also used to dehumanize oneself.

What do you even mean here? To be fair, how? Dehumanize oneself, how?


You failed to see the point she’s making:

She didn’t want you to speak back; but to acknowledge that she is offended by what you said, and she have the right to let you know that you offended her; weither it was insult or not. She’s offended by the ignorant people (both online and in real life) whose actions further dehumanize individuals such as herself (especially when those individual fell victim to a social norm that force such a toxic superiority mentality on those who have the most privileges). She’s even more offended when said actions have little to no repercussion to them.

In short, you don’t know what it’s like to be systematically oppressed by a bunch of cis-white males who wanted to remained in power over everyone else.

The only why one could dehumanize oneself is to became an animal.


This is just more bile-filled fleshy propaganda, the sort of spittle-flecked anti-bot hit piece we Twitter-sapiens have come to expect from you stateful bags of meat-logic.


<#NotAllBots> are disgusted by human meat flapping.


As a marginalized person–yes, I am, but I don’t like to talk about it–a couple things.

I enjoy CAH in ‘know your audience’ setting.

Putting pressure on marginalized people is not okay.

I am not gonna… What do those other jackwagons say? Sjw or white knight?.. I have too much respect for you. And I will leave it at that, respect and personal agency.

However for my own agency, silly cards about wizards, batman, and goblins are funny.


That isn’t even close to bring true. (Breath). If you understand mental illness, you know it isn’t true. If you don’t understand mental illness , then thanks you are doing what you are complaining about.


I am not gonna… What do those other jackwagons say? Sjw or white knight?.. I have too much respect for you. And I will leave it at that, respect and personal agency.

I am honestly confused about this entire thing.

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I’m not sure what anything about this has to do with understanding mental illness. Also, if you really respected the people you are speaking to right now, and also understood mental illness, you wouldn’t seriously tell someone to “breath” aka “calm down”.

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I am agreeing with you, while saying I like to play a silly game with cards taken out.

I am also saying I will not put words in your mouth, or assume to know your circumstances.

And lastly, in (my opinion) I am making a promise to not be condescending.