OK, so really. WTF is the deal with the Right railing against, “Political Correctness”?
Are people really so foolish as to believe that a major root cause of failing to deal with societal ills can be traced back to not wanting to say the wrong thing??
Perhaps I should back up. My family did something very kind today, in that my parents and my siblings and my nephews all gathered at my parent’s friend’s house for dinner, as their grown children who would have been in their mid-to-late 40’s now all committed suicide within 2 years of each other in the early 2000’s.
However, my father and his friends are sort of on the cranky right-leaning side of things. So there was some hours of railing about said “Political Correctness” prior to dinner.
Over dinner, I mentioned a story of corporate strife, where a security gal I used to date got in trouble for discussing porn at work. Discussing in the sense that, she worked in security and tons of people looked at it at work, and she was told to not report it as long as they were spending more time working than watching porn.
This is apparently the fault of said, “Political Correctness”.
This was enough for me. I stated quite firmly (but politely, and ironically with the same level of “Political Correctness” that they were probably complaining about) that this was not due to being PC, but the natural result of:
A. An overly litigious society. (Indeed, a long history of wrongful termination suits at that company)
B. Poor corporate culture, driven primarily by many years of bad leadership.
I think they sort of got it, actually.
But I am sick of this insane talking point that a huge societal ill is fundamentally suggesting (*not mandating) that people talk in respectful terms in public discourse. I think a lot of these PC complainers don’t actually take issue with the idea that sexist and racist behavior is unprofessional, and if you act unprofessionally that you should be disciplined for doing so in a professional setting (really, today’s topic of convo). So, WTF is this all really about? AFAIK, nobody on the left wing is trying to criminalize sexist and racist jokes…?