Creationist "just can't" with museum's evolution propaganda

Is this lady the same one from the monster energy drinks = evil video?


I’m pretty sure she is the one from the lawn sprinkler rainbow conspiracy video:


It would be sad when we lost all the magnets…


Oh man while I have a basic understanding of how electricity works, how to get from that to microcontroller is where it becomes ‘magic’. Or even computer programming (which I found out due to an internship it wasn’t something I will ever do for work ever ever again) the step from the simple sorting etc you do in classes to device driver code while I understand there is a progression but may as well be voodoo to me even though I know that it isn’t just people smarter, more into that tiny complicated bit of technology than I care to know about and I don’t know is an acceptable answer for me but this person is a whole new level of not understanding and a sad reminder that for all the amazing wonder of science we are sadly not that far removed from our past of things that go bump in the night woo believing past yet.


I have a fundamentalist friend who once told me that it is not surprising that aliens look kinda like us. Since we were created in God’s likeness, it would make sense for other intelligent alien species to also have been created in his likeness. See, it all makes sense.


Well, she did have a good point with her Darwin quote.

I have the book right here. It is, indeed, true that he said:

If the single cell is more complex than I think it is, then all of my theories… I’m-a have to start all over again.
— C. Darwin

If there was any other stuff after this point, I wouldn’t know, sorry.


Yesterday my wife and I saw “Interstellar”. While I was somewhat disappointed by the movie in general, the vibe of slipping into a mild dark age because of some conceived blight, and the schools promoting ignorance in the same manner as the tea partiers and climate deniers really brought me down. But yes, it’s essentially the same, and I see it everywhere around me. It’s very disheartening.


This would all be fun and games if this woman weren’t also making herself a nuisance to the Orland Park Library:

She’s out for publicity, apparently.


Your fundamentalist friend should talk to my fundamentalist friend, who doesn’t believe there are aliens. According to her life couldn’t exist anywhere else in the universe because the Bible doesn’t say anything about God putting living things on any other planet.

I can point out that just because we haven’t found life elsewhere yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, but it’s pointless. Fundamentalism is built on an unwillingness to accept uncertainty.


I’m afraid that all I can muster is a sigh here. I’m an atheist personally but with a number of Christian friends who would find the video as mind-bogglingly strange and despair-inducing as I do. It really does appear to be willful ignorance.


You’ve got the catholic church on your side there - though if she’s the US protestant kind of fundamentalist, you’d probably be better off not mentioning that.
(ref )

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The surest way to ignorance is to know everything.


Probably the origin of that:


Hard to argue with that.

I didn’t make it very far with this video, either… I started feeling ill.

No snark; it’s just too damn depressing. The entropy is strong with this one.


If Iesus was copied from Horus, you’d expect the closest parallels between the earliest narrative sources about Iesus, especially Mark, and the contemporary narrative sources about Horus, with occasional later borrowing/convergence but gradual divergence.

What is the source for these claims, especially regarding Horus, but also for some regarding Iesus? What is the evidence, because that just looks like a Christ-myther’s version of a Gish Gallop?

Iesus’s birthdate isn’t specified in any early Christian text, and celebration on December 25th is only to allow syncretism with sun gods such as Sol Invictus born on December 25th.

Horus’s birthdate is specified where?

Iesus’s supposed divine virgin birth isn’t included in Mark, and was probably added to parody Augustus’s claims of divine birth.

Horus’s supposed divine quite non-virgin birth isn’t always the same, sometimes being brother and sometimes son of Isis, and was probably amended to support the Pharoahs’ claims of divine ancestry.

Does anyone want to go on?


From her Youtube page:

Watch “Story Time with Megan Fox” videos here, about subversive elements in children’s books and teen literature, as well as investigative reports from around Chicagoland related to schools, libraries, museums and other places of importance to families. Megan Fox is a homeschooling, Tea Partying, conservative mother of two (with another on the way!) out and about in the suburbs who is also a popular columnist for PJ Media.

Of course she’s a conservative, all conservatives seem to be anti-science assholes. Not that conservatives have a monopoly when it comes to ignorance. Those on the left who are against GMO’s and vaccines are just as stupid. sigh Ignorance will be the doom of our civilization.

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I just came to ask the SAME question.

Sometimes, it’s good to be at work and have these things blocked…


Does Lil’ Bub going to the field museum count?

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