Critically burned toddler in coma after SWAT team drug raid on home

If the only thing you have is a flash grenade then everyone looks like a drug criminal.


The list is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Somehow, I suspect it might be a tad more reliable than some random AOL list.

Almost like that degree of authority IS INTOXICATING?


Right. They are above the law right now. Since they choose when to enforce it, and repercussions against them are so difficult to make stick.

Also most of the worst ones seem to operate in packs.

They should be constantly surveilled while on the job.

I vote that the govenor and all the state representatives in Georgia donate their entire salaries for at least a year to a trust fund to support this kid on his hopefull recovery and future education. Then, if he doesn’t survive, they forfeit all salaries and benefits until those responsible are held accountable and spend at least 10 years in prison for murder!

Until the politicians responsible for allowing our police (Serve and Protect - right!) to do such egregious acts are held accountable, it won’t get better!


The problematics is well described in the Radley Balko’s book “Rise of the Warrior Cop - The Militarization of America’s Police Forces”, from 2013, ISBN 1610392116.

Having a SWAT team makes sense in a few limited cases. However their uses naturally grow totally disproportional; the small police stations want their own teams, want the cool boy-toys that come with it, and have no money to buy the officers time to train properly, so they do training on-the-job by engaging soft targets. The power-craving personalities that have the least business getting into a power-wielding position get enrolled. Cops get more fed money by the number of drug busts, which futher skews the incentives towards numerous soft drug-related targets (instead of being incentivized to have safe communities peacefully patrolled by Officer Friendlys). And then there is the adrenaline rush that comes with the operation; the cops tend to describe it in the same terms as drug users describe their highs.

Unless these (and more) underlying factors aren’t addressed, things won’t get better.


Blergh, this is just too fucking awful for words.

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