DC cops budget their asset forfeiture income years in advance


In other news, hospitals budget for 2015 based on how many people they treated this year. It’s like they want us to get sick.

[Edit. Reading the actual article, there’s a basic flaw in my analogy: Federal guidelines (for obvious reasons) explicitly forbid police from planning in this manner.]


In other news, hospitals budget for 2015 based on how many people they treated this year. It’s like they want us to get sick.

That really does depend on whether your local hospital has a bioweapons division.

Wait, is this your healthcare provider?


Do hospitals budget how much they intend to legally steal from people who had no desire to go to hospital?


As people pointed out on previous threads, this is a revival of the fine old privateering tradition of Letters of Marque and Reprisal. It’s what people get if they want a police force – or at least a licensed gang operating under that title – and don’t want to pay for it.


Don’t give them ideas!

…too late. Wasn’t here reported that case with that emergency sending somebody to a closer but “wrong” hospital?


Only if the doctors have probable cause to believe that those people’s money will get sick in the near future.


It’s interesting how frequently US police have managed to secure the power to take your stuff and dispose of it without so much as a trial. You’d think the constitution would have something to say about that…


Due process clause of the fifth and fourteenth amendments, one would think.

Fuck, during the Civil War, there were questions about the constitutionality of freeing slaves as contraband of war. Now, there is an established practice of seizing property-property as contraband in peacetime.

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