Deep Down the rabbit hole of games industry sexism

Pretty much. And where differences are there, they would only be doubled by adding in a second gender variant to each suit of armour.


in that case, probably a single texture change. any changes to the mesh would be kept within the characters bounding box so there would likely not be a problem with, for example, his head clipping through the mesh of a helmet he wears. this would likely be the same for all the male character models. Same body, slightly different head and different texture.

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“The creative process.”
“Business realities”
(Free Space)
“It’s just a game.”



Well then, it sounds like a pretty shitty RPG that is not taking advantage of the capabilities of the PS4 in the first place. Because picking one of 24 guys that all have the exact same body build and exact same armor isn’t really much of a choice.


One (of the many) positive things about the army of slavering boy-mans that keep their troll army of stupid in the field consistently through each new skirmish on this front? People like me get to feel better about themselves? Pretty low bar I know, but as a gamer I like knowing that sociologically I’m in the top percentile, even if I would like to see that lead eroded & have a more balanced experience.

How does Eve measure up in the opinions held here? I see dipshits get played for stupid in local all the time, but then again, they persist. Still compared to console gaming I think Eve does okay.

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You do realize that men get raped as well, especially in war-zones, armies, prisons, etc; all settings that are popular in games. Sexual abuse and humiliation is also a common torture tactic in both genders.

However, male characters in games, comics and action-adventure films practically NEVER face that threat. How come it’s only the female characters who have to get realistic gendered threats while males get to toss whatever is a little too squicky- such as forced buttseks- for their desired hero fantasy right off the table? If ‘plausibility’ is really a motive here (which it ISN’T), then male game characters ought to be threatened with/subjected to rape a hell of a lot more often.


Well obviously I’m simplifying. can you not see though that every time you add another variable into the mix the amount of other work you need to do increases. by keeping those variable within certain limits, you also limit the other work. A gender choice could theoretically double the workload. Adding a different race will add some work, but not to the same order of magnitude.

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Nah, women are the human race, and men are expendable accessories used to carry genetic data between women. You could get rid of nearly all men without any great loss to the species.


Didn’t Clint Eastwood get raped in The Rookie? Not sure I can think of too many other examples.

Maybe the next NFL game should feature sexual humiliation for players in the locker room. Especially if you choose to play as Miami. Because realism!


The facebook 57 varieties refers to tags rather than individual options. This is borne out by the fact that you select up to 10 gender-tastic tags to cover a wide variety of possible search terms.

I think that Det. Mick Belker was raped by a homeless man in Hill Street Blues. Maybe this is a danger only for tough guys in cop fiction.

Yes. It is, & it is a logical fallacy, which is one of the reason you find yourself defending it with a solid “nuh uh” then repeating yourself. If you follow the link & check that stuff out, you’ll be better able to make fallacious arguments that will fall in the end anyway.


Despite your claim that people can’t be bothered to care that much about this issue, your multiple detailed posts apologizing for the status quo seem to undermine that argument. Rather there are many people who seem to care a lot about not addressing women’s interests. “It’s too hard” has always been an argument given by the privileged class to avoid giving up some of that privilege.


Men are super necessary as they’ve been bred to be taller and stronger. They fill a vital role of getting stuff off the top shelf and putting that heavy thing on the other side of the house. Women could do it if they wanted to, but if you can get someone else to do it, why bother?

Really, they’re women’s most genius invention.


If there was a benefit to having 24 options, was it financially based? To broaden appeal thus market?

So 24 options is good for that? But more, & ones that would broaden that appeal/market even moreso, even among male players, is worth what again??

Besides bro, the meat is in game mechanics these days. Your talk of excessive cost from this angle is totes dated.


As someone who plays way too many video games, I always find it a bit jarring when I can’t play a character of whatever sex, race or even sexual orientation that i want. Even us white males get a bit bored always playing white male characters.

The game series that really gets this right is Saints Row, which has lots of sex and violence…and lets you have it your way.

It makes sense that there are going to be highly story-centric games like Gone Home or Sleeping Dogs where introducing such customizability is very difficult, but excluding female characters in Yet Another Dungeon Crawler? Stupid.


I don’t follow video-game news, but…

I understand that some games try to allow players to choose their characters’ gender, background, etc. and hopefully allowing players to try alternate approaches to the adventure. [wait, I have to either join one side or the other? I don’t like either side!]

I understand that other games try to portray specific characters, and that’s a legit approach, but some of us would prefer to choose, in flexible games, and others would prefer better representation, in specific-character games.

I joked about a game which would be advertised like other fantasy games, but when you start, for character customization, all the gender options would be female: butch, femme, andro, etc. Maybe someone has already released a hakpak for non-binary characters too…

Ok, the fact is this is a cost vs. benefit argument. THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THESE DECISIONS (stress to highlight I’m playing devil’s advocate here) see the costs of implementing the character customisations talked about here as not worth their investment based on the expected returns. Whether that’s a cause or a symptom of the current/future gaming market is a debate for people much wiser than myself (and I hasten to add probably many of you too. I’m happy to admit I’m not a psychology/marketing/anthropomorphism expert). But surely even the most right-on social justice warriors out there can see than when we’re talking about hundred million dollar budgets, you go for the biggest return you possibly can. If that means specifically targeting a market sector, then so be it. I can’t say I remember seeing anything explicitly excluding anyone from playing this, or any other, game.

I’m always the first to agree with the fact that the games industry is unrepentantly, embarrassingly sexist, but I’m not certain as to why this particular issue in this particular game is the one to get the focus.
The answer to:
“Why doesn’t Super Mario Bros have playable female characters?”
“Why doesn’t Beyond Good and Evil have playable male characters?”
“Why doesn’t Halo have playable black characters?”
“Why doesn’t Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas have playable white characters?”
is also “because of the plot.”

Games still have leagues to go in terms of being inclusive, but I’m not about to say it should be a mandate for every single one because “it’s 2014.” I could imagine I’d be pretty disappointed if there was an option to play as a white and/or male character in Portal 2 just for the sake of pacifying everyone.


Never underestimate the stupidity of decison makers in the video game industry.