Did you ever want to play questions?

Do I love a flat file?

Did I think you wrote “flat tire”?

Do I have to remind all y’all about Miss Thrope’s School for Wayward Humans?

Should I get my scowly face on?

Hey, how did we pass 3000 with no Commemorative Parades?


Too busy re-editing posts?


Maybe? I can’t find any rules, there? Although isn’t there a question waiting to be answered?

Edits don’t show as updates, do they?

While you are correct about the edits, perhaps bouncing between this thread and the forks you created was distracting? Since we seem to be the only one’s here now, can’t we just celebrate :question:

As long as no jazz-flutes are involved?


Never? Are you surprised I defer to you as an authority?

      Why does no-one ever implement viewable history-diffs in forums?[

Right to be forgotten?

Can I say that and not sound like some sort of Marxist?

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Why would it sound Marxist? Doesn’t everybody think it sounds a bit dickish?

Well, isn’t that the most vicious calumny? Wouldn’t I have you know that my $5 pizzas come from Little Caesar’s? Wouldn’t I rather eat a Domino’s box (with the appropriate toppings) than one of their “pizzas”?


Did we not have viewable history diff here, and then it got taken away by popular @donald_petersen’s demand?


Not really, should I be?

Is anyone else finding it difficult to keep track of who is who without bird avatars everywhere?

Do we all live in public now?


Dunno about popular, but wasn’t it partly my fault?

But where would he buy others? Space target?