Did you ever want to play questions?

How can @monkeyoh not be trustworthy looking like Tor?


Didn’t my community college have signs in the library warning people not to leave their stuff attended due to problems with theft? So there were bad people roaming around there, but you’re probably OK, right?


Don’t they have those at my big state, second tier uni? But don’t panthers look out for one another? Don’t I trust my fellow students? Don’t I love all those rascally undergrads?


What are you, nuts? :wink:


Is anyone else as pissed off about the utter bullshit going on in Hungary as I am? How can people act so shamefully? Why are we no better than we were at the beginning of the 20th? Can’t anyone else see the trajectory we’re on right now?

Also, how great is the Mighty Aphrodite show on my colleges radio station (two hours of all ladies)? Who’s going to tune in with me?


Did you guys know that there are entire villages on sale in places like Spain? Why not resettle refugees there?

Is it that fucking hard, people?


Didn’t I hear about the fence they’re building along the Serbian border on the World Service last week?


Would you be surprised to know that Delle, UT was for sale for several years? I think it still is, but the signage has changed.

Wouldn’t you know it’s roughly half way between SLC suburb civilization and the Nevada border town of Wendover? Guess what the religious types drive to Wendover for?!


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For all their faults, wouldn’t I bet that the Mormons would be more welcoming of the Syrian refugees than the fucking Hungarian government would be? Isn’t Utah the only state to nearly solve their homeless problem (by housing them!!! Radical notion, huh?)? Shouldn’t I text my cousin who just moved to SLC to see how he likes living there?

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Are they even planning to stay in Hungary?

Won’t they pass straight through the Schengen Area to Germany?

(is the German government leaning on Hungary here?)

Would you believe it’s not all bad?

Mormons make good neighbors. And having ties to the Church, even if you’re not attending, is frequently socially advantageous. And that homeless housing program? And the (relative) lack of tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, vulcanism, and other natural disasters? And affordable housing?

There are things that get my dander up out here. But aren’t I still here?


Is that a good thing?

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Isn’t that the fucked up thing? Don’t they want to get to the Schengen area? Shouldn’t the German government fucking lean on them? Didn’t the Hungarian PM (or is he president?) call them a “threat to the Christian roots of Europe”? Isn’t he a fucking asshole trying to ride nationalist sentiment to political favor?

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Haven’t heard about this from a former Mormon friend? Isn’t that what some miss about being part of a religious community–even despite the obvious negatives? How do we reconcile the good and the bad, and get these religious communities to more effectively engage with those of us who aren’t of their faith?


Isn’t that, right there, the biggest question? Wouldn’t answering that on a worldwide scale pretty much solve everything?


Isn’t that like when we were in Savannah and my wife was trying to be social and invited someone to a party at our house, and the return invite was to a bloody church social?

Is the overwhelming overlap between social life and religion one of the things I really couldn’t cope with in the south?


Aren’t some religious types rubbish at being social? But maybe that’s one aspect of religion that drives people to atheism, they don’t feel comfortable with social interactions, and church is a very social thing, because it’s communal? Isn’t that an interesting thought?


What does a fundamentally antisocial person who still wants some kind of social interaction and lives thousands of miles from all their friends do apart from hang out on BB all day?

Is it bad that even those friends over there are ones that they’ve known since first grade or thereabouts?


Doesn’t it help, at least, having an online forum to speak to like-minded happy mutants? Aren’t we glad you’re here?