Does BoingBoing still boing, or just thud?

Right, so specifics matter. A rule that no new users can post until they have faxed in an application and said application has been personally approved by each Boing Boing editor … might be excessive? I feel like we are spending a lot of time attacking a theoretical strawman. Let’s talk about concrete examples otherwise we aren’t actually talking about anything.

Speaking of getting concrete, I am curious if you can show me any actual real world examples, anywhere, of an expert showing up as a new user and replying to a topic 25 times. Or even 10 times.

See, here’s the thing about experts: they tend to be rather busy people in my experience, not the type inclined to shoot the breeze with a whole lot of random individual people in discussion when they can, instead, state their position cleanly and clearly to everyone in the audience in a single post. That is … kinda what makes them experts in the first place.

A year seems like a crazily long amount of time offhand. On Discourse we are almost ready to trust you as a no-longer-new-user if you hang around for 15 minutes, though you do have to enter a few different topics, too. Also, I have absolutely no idea what voting means within the context of your community. Voting for coolest topic of the day? Voting for the next forum moderator? Voting someone off the forum?